.. _model_Vegetation: ``Vegetation`` — Simple Vegetation Model ======================================== This is a very simple implementation of a vegetation model. It is implemented as a stochastic cellular automaton on a grid, where the state of each cell is a double scalar representing the plant bio-mass on that cell. The only driver for a change in the plant bio-mass is rainfall, implemented as a Gauss-distributed random number drawn for each cell. Model parameters ---------------- * ``rain_mean``\ : mean rainfall :math:`\langle r \rangle` * ``rain_std``\ : rainfall standard deviation :math:`\sigma_r` * ``growth_rate``\ : growth rate :math:`g` * ``seeding_rate``\ : seeding rate :math:`s` Growth process -------------- In each time step, the plant bio-mass on a cell is increased according to a logistic growth model. Let :math:`m_{t,i}` be the plant bio-mass on cell :math:`i` at time :math:`t` and :math:`r_{t,i}` the rainfall at time :math:`t` onto cell :math:`i`. The plant bio-mass at time :math:`t+1` is then determined as :math:`m_{t+1,i} = m_{t,i} + m_{t,i} \cdot g \cdot (1 - m_{t,i}/r_{t,i})`. It is possible that the result yields a negative value. In this case, the population density is silenty set to zero, :math:`m_{t+1,i} = 0`. Seeding process --------------- Since logistic growth will never start if the initial plant bio-mass is zero, a seeding process is included into the model. If :math:`m_{t,i} = 0`, the plant bio-mass at time :math:`t+1` is then determined as :math:`m_{t+1,i} = s \cdot r_{t,i}`. Default configuration parameters -------------------------------- Below are the default configuration parameters of the model: .. literalinclude:: ../../src/utopia/models/Vegetation/Vegetation_cfg.yml :language: yaml :start-after: --- For these parameters and a grid size of 20 x 20, the system takes roughly 50 time steps to reach a dynamic equilibrium, in which the plant bio-mass on all cells fluctuates around 9.5. Available plots --------------- The following plot configurations are available for the ``Vegetation`` model: Default Plot Configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. literalinclude:: ../../src/utopia/models/Vegetation/Vegetation_plots.yml :language: yaml :start-after: --- Base Plot Configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. literalinclude:: ../../src/utopia/models/Vegetation/Vegetation_base_plots.yml :language: yaml :start-after: --- For available base plots, see :ref:`utopia_base_plots_ref`.