Bifurcation diagrams ==================== .. admonition:: Summary \ This documents the :py:mod:`utopya.eval.plots.attractor` plot module. .. hint:: This plot is powerful but equally specialised, and was originally designed for a Vegetation model (not included in Utopia). Making this plot more general and integrating it into the wider pool of base plots is WIP. Bifurcation in one parameter dimension -------------------------------------- For a bifurcation diagram in a single parameter dimension, there is the :py:func:`~utopya.eval.plots.attractor.bifurcation_diagram` function. It takes a Sequence of analysis steps of type ``Tuple(str, str): attractor_key, function name`` or ``str: key`` from default analysis steps. The function performs an analysis of the data returning ``Tuple(bool, xr.DataArray): conclusive analysis, result``. The ``attractor_key`` maps this to the plotting of the attractor and resolves how to visualize this dataset. See :py:func:`utopya.eval.plots.attractor.bifurcation_diagram`. The default analysis steps are listed here: .. literalinclude:: ../../../_inc/utopya/tests/cfg/plots/bifurcation_diagram/plots.yml :language: yaml Bifurcation in two parameter dimensions --------------------------------------- For a bifurcation diagram in two parameter dimensions, there is the :py:func:`utopya.eval.plots.attractor.bifurcation_diagram` method. As the 1d equivalent it takes a Sequence of analysis steps of type ``Tuple(str, str): attractor_key, function name`` or ``str: key`` from default analysis steps. The function performs an analysis of the data returning ``Tuple(bool, xr.DataArray): conclusive analysis, result``. The ``attractor_key`` maps this to the plotting of the attractor and resolves how to visualize this dataset. Other than in 1d the attractor itself cannot be visualized by its state, hence the previously optional ``visualisation_kwargs`` become obligatory and are passed to ``matplotlib.patches.Rectangle`` with auto detected or passed width and height. .. note:: The ``visualisation_kwarg`` to ``fixpoint`` can have a ``to_plot`` entry that defines kwargs proper to every used data field. In that case the field with the heighest fixpoint value defines the coloring.