.. _plot_style: Customising plot styles ======================= .. admonition:: Summary On this page, you will see how to * use configuration inheritance and YAML anchors to globally define figure and font sizes * use configuration inheritance and YAML anchors to globally define colors and color cyclers * define and use discrete and continuous colormaps from the configuration * globally define the style of your plots * base your plots on matplotlib or seaborn styles * base your plot style on a custom RC file * use the :py:class:`~dantro.plot.plot_helper.PlotHelper` to set titles, labels, scales, and more It can be a laborious task to customise plots and figures, especially when they are intended for publication. However, it becomes easy when using a configuration-based approach. You can define figure and font sizes, define colors and colormaps, set axis labels and titles, legend styles, grid line widths, and more, all in a single location, and automatically have these be applied to all your plots. **When using configuration inheritance and YAML anchors, appearance and style settings need only be defined once**. And since matplotlib (the backend used in Utopia plotting) includes LaTeX support, it becomes easy to produce plots that integrate seamlessly into your tex document. Example: adjusting figure and font sizes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Let us look at a simple example: You may wish for your plots to have the same width and font size as the documents in which you are including them. To do this, define the following base style in your plot configuration: .. code-block:: yaml _my_custom_style: style: text.usetex: True mathtext.fontset: stix figure.figsize: [7.516, 3.758] # figure width and height in inches font.family: serif font.size: 10 axes.titlesize: 10 Then, simply base your plot on ``_my_custom_style``: .. code-block:: yaml my_plot: based_on: - _my_custom_style - # other base configurations ... Remember: entries are updated recursively in the order in which they are listed, see :ref:`plot_cfg_inheritance`. If entries listed after ``_my_custom_style`` set styles that are also set in ``_my_custom_style``, the entries from ``_my_custom_style`` will be overwritten. You can make use of this when individual plots differ only in a few aspects from the global style. Imagine you want your plot to conform to ``_my_custom_style`` in everything but the figure size. Instead of writing out the entire entry again, you can do this: .. code-block:: yaml my_small_plot: based_on: - _my_custom_style - # other base configurations ... style: figure.figsize: [3.758, 3.758] # Overwrites the figure.figsize key from _my_custom_plot Since the ``figsize`` is redefined in ``my_small_plot``, this last entry takes precedent. All the other properties of ``_my_custom_style`` remain in place. Hierarchical :ref:`plot configuration inheritance ` is very useful, especially when used in tandem with YAML anchors. For exmaple, you may want some plots to have full page width, some plots to only have half a page width, and so on. These widths can be defined globally using **YAML anchors** and used throughout the plots config: .. code-block:: yaml _sizes: page_width: &full_width 7.516 half_width: &half_width 3.758 a_large_plot: # ... style: figure.figsize: [*full_width, *half_width] a_small_plot: # ... style: figure.figsize: [*half_width, *half_width] Now, if you want to change the image widths relative to your page width, it is sufficient to change the definitions in ``_sizes`` – they will automatically be applied to all plots based on that style. .. hint:: Plot configuration entries starting with an underscore are ignored by the :py:class:`~dantro.plot_mngr.PlotManager`. This can be useful when defining YAML anchors that are used in the actual configuration entries. An alternative and entirely equivalent method is to define some additional base plots and use multiple inheritance: .. code-block:: yaml _my_custom_style: style: # some style arguments _large_size: based_on: _my_custom_style style: figure.figsize: [*full_width, *half_width] _small_size: based_on: _my_custom_style style: figure.figsize: [*half_width, *half_width] # This plot will have full page width my_large_plot: based_on: - _large_size - # others ... # This plot will have half page width my_small_plot: based_on: - _small_size - # others ... Whichever way you choose, you will only need to set the figure widths once. .. hint:: If you start implementing many such granular base plot entries (which we do explicitly *not* discourage), spend a few minutes on devising a descriptive naming convention. As a starting point, we suggest to follow the :ref:`dantro base plots naming convention `. Colors and color cyclers ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ YAML anchors and base configurations are also very useful when using your own custom colors; you can define a global color palette, and use these definitions throughout your configuration: .. code-block:: yaml _pretty_colors: blue: &blue '#0099CC' green: &green teal yellow: &yellow [1, 0.8, 0.4] red: &red r my_pretty_plot: # define your plot color: *red Assuming ``my_pretty_plot`` takes a ``color`` kwarg, it will use the color you defined. You can define colors using any way permitted by the `matplotlib specification `_. A change in the color definitions will then automatically be applied to all plots. When creating several plots (possibly in a single figure), you may need to cycle through a given list of colors. To do this, use the ``axes.prop_cycle`` key, like so: .. code-block:: yaml _my_style: style: axes.prop_cycle: cycler('color', ['#AFD8BC', '#FFCC66', '#006666']) my_plot: based_on: - _my_style - # ... The colors in your plot will then cycle through the colors you specify. If you want the cycler to be based on a predefined color palette, use `fstrings `_ to avoid having to define colors multiple times: .. code-block:: yaml # Define your color palette _colors &colors: red: '#CC3333' green: '#339999' blue: '#0099CC' # Define a style _style: axes.prop_cycle: !format fstr: "cycler('color', ['{colors[red]:}', '{colors[green]:}', '{colors[blue]:}'])" colors: *colors .. _colormaps: Colormaps ^^^^^^^^^ Creating custom colormaps is simple with dantro's `ColorManager `_; whenever you pass a ``cmap`` argument, it will automatically be passed to the ``ColorManager``, which takes care of the construction. For instance, you can create a continuous colormap using six colors like this: .. code-block:: yaml cmap: continuous: true from_values: 0: crimson 0.2: gold 0.4: mediumseagreen 0.6: teal 0.8: skyblue 1: midnightblue And voilà, a wonderfully colorful plot emerges: .. image:: ../../../_static/_gen/SEIRD/universe_plots/scatter_2d_colorful.pdf :width: 800 :alt: A beautifully colorful plot The keys of the ``from_values`` dictionary are the locations of the colors you define in the colormap, and must be values between 0 and 1. You can pass as many colors as you like. And you can also pass additional arguments, such as setting a ``bad`` color, the limits via ``vmin`` and ``vmax``, setting colors that are out of range (``under``/``over``), or passing a ``place_holder`` color for ``None`` values. See `this entry in the dantro docs `_ for more information. You can add a norm to the ``cmap`` by passing a ``norm`` dict; for example .. code-block:: yaml cmap: # as above ... norm: name: BoundaryNorm boundaries: [0, 30, 60, 90, 200] ncolors: 4 will return discrete bounds. You can use any of the `matplotlib norms `_, e.g. a logarithmic norm (``name: LogNorm``). For discrete colormaps, simply drop the ``continuous`` argument and pass a dict of colors: .. code-block:: yaml cmap: from_values: susceptible: olive infected: crimson recovered: teal Again, take a look at the `dantro documentation entry `_ for a full overview. Lastly of course, you can simply pass the name of a `matplotlib `_ or `seaborn `_ colormap. No need to re-invent the (color) wheel, *especially* when perceptually uniform colormaps are required. .. code-block:: yaml cmap: "Paired" # calls the seaborn 'Paired' color palette .. hint:: When using the *BoundaryNorm* together with one of the pre-registered colormaps (e.g., *viridis*), use the ``lut`` argument (see :py:func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.get_cmap`) to resample the colormap to have *lut* entries in the lookup table. Set ``lut = `` to use the full colormap range. Using matplotlib or seaborn stylesheets ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ``style`` keyword sets the ``matplotlib.rcParams`` of your plot, and all keys are interpreted directly as ``rcParams``. You can set these yourself, or use `predefined matplotlib or seaborn stylesheets `_ using the ``base_style`` key; here is an example based on ``ggplot``: .. code-block:: yaml my_ggplot: style: # choose stylesheet base_style: ggplot # adapt rcparams lines.linewidth : 3 lines.markersize : 10 xtick.labelsize : 16 ytick.labelsize : 16 # ... The ``ggplot`` style is applied and subsequently modified with a custom linewidth, marker size, and label sizes. For the ``base_style`` entry, choose the name of a `matplotlib stylesheet `_. For valid RC parameters, see the `matplotlib customization documentation `_. Using a custom ``rcParams.yml`` file ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you want to share styles across models, you can also create a ``rcParams.yml`` file containing all your style settings, and include it like so: .. code-block:: yaml my_plot: style: # Add a base style if you wish base_style: ~ # Select a file from which to load rcParams rc_file: /absolute/path/to/rcfile # Other rcParameters here, overwriting the above. Remember that entries are overwritten successively: this means that, in the above example, the RC parameters from your file will overwrite the entries of any ``base_style`` you provide, but parameters coming *after* the ``rc_file`` entry will again overwrite your RC file entries. .. note:: You must provide an **absolute** path to the RC file. .. _plot_helper: Using the :py:class:`~dantro.plot.plot_helper.PlotHelper` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. hint:: This is just a short introduction to the :py:class:`~dantro.plot.plot_helper.PlotHelper` s functionality. Read the full article on it `in the dantro documentation `_. With the :py:class:`~dantro.plot.plot_helper.PlotHelper`, you can easily make further adjustments to your plot, like setting the title, axis labels, axis scales and :ref:`much more `. Essentially, this makes the :py:mod:`matplotlib.pyplot` interface accessible to your plot configuration such that you can control all of the figure aesthetics without touching any python code. All helper function invocations are added to the ``helpers`` entry in your plot configuration: .. code-block:: yaml my_plot: # define your plot ... helpers: # helpers are configured here Let's use that to set a title (via ``set_title``) and labels (via ``set_labels``): .. code-block:: yaml my_plot: # define your plot ... helpers: set_title: title: My over-designed phase diagram set_labels: x: 'This is the x-axis' y: label: 'And this is the y-axis' labelpad: 5 .. hint:: Of course you can also use latex in your labels: .. code-block:: yaml helpers: set_labels: x: $\alpha$ y: $\beta$ You could add some horizontal or vertical lines to the plot: .. code-block:: yaml helpers: set_hv_lines: hlines: - pos: 0.05 color: teal label: Just a horizontal line - pos: 0.01 color: crimson linestyle: 'dotted' label: Livin' in a lonely world # Let's also add a legend: set_legend: title: Lines and Dots loc: best Or annotate some noteworthy points in the plot: .. code-block:: yaml helpers: annotate: annotations: - xy: [0.08, 0.16] xycoords: data text: Here is the maximum! xytext: [0.05, 0.10] arrowprops: facecolor: skyblue shrink: 0.05 linewidth: 0 alpha: 0.5 bbox: facecolor: skyblue linewidth: 0 alpha: 0.5 boxstyle: round The struggle with matplotlib ticks is finally over: .. code-block:: yaml helpers: set_ticks: x: major: locs: [0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4] labels: ['No', 'more', 'trouble', 'with', 'tick labels'] The above result in this beautiful figure: .. image:: ../../../_static/_gen/SEIRD/universe_plots/helper_demo.pdf :width: 800 :alt: PlotHelper demo These are just some of the possibilities of the :py:class:`~dantro.plot.plot_helper.PlotHelper`. **Happy Plotting!** .. _plot_helpers_available: Available plot helpers """""""""""""""""""""" The following plot helpers are available: .. ipython:: available-plot-helpers In [1]: from dantro.plot import PlotHelper In [2]: hlpr = PlotHelper(out_path="") In [3]: print("\n".join(hlpr.available_helpers)) Of those, some helpers act on the level of the associated :py:class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure`: .. ipython:: available-plot-helpers In [4]: print("\n".join(hlpr._FIGURE_HELPERS)) .. admonition:: Missing a plot helper function? If you are missing a plot helper function, consider `opening an issue in the dantro project `_, we are happy to add more helper functions. In the meantime, you can use the ``call`` and ``figcall`` helpers to invoke arbitrary functions on the axes or the figure. See :py:meth:`~dantro.plot.plot_helper.PlotHelper._hlpr_call` for more information. .. admonition:: What's the syntax for helper function ``foo``? There are two ways to learn about the available syntax for a helper function: - Either have a look at the :py:class:`~dantro.plot.plot_helper.PlotHelper` API reference: Helper methods are named ``_hlpr_``, e.g. :py:meth:`~dantro.plot.plot_helper.PlotHelper._hlpr_align_labels`. - Or: Just *try* invoking a plot helper with some random arguments. The error will lead to a useful error message that also includes the docstring of the helper function. Of course, as the helper passes many arguments through to the corresponding matplotlib functions, you may also have to have a look at the `matplotlib documentation `_.