#include <functional>
#include <boost/graph/random.hpp>
#include <utopia/core/model.hh>
#include <utopia/core/apply.hh>
#include <utopia/core/types.hh>
#include <utopia/core/graph.hh>
#include <utopia/data_io/graph_utils.hh>
#include "modes.hh"
#include "revision.hh"
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using | Utopia::Models::Opinionet::VertexContainer = boost::vecS |
| The vertex container type. More...
using | Utopia::Models::Opinionet::EdgeContainer = boost::vecS |
| The edge container type. More...
using | Utopia::Models::Opinionet::NetworkUndirected = boost::adjacency_list< EdgeContainer, VertexContainer, boost::undirectedS, Agent > |
| The undirected network type. More...
using | Utopia::Models::Opinionet::NetworkDirected = boost::adjacency_list< EdgeContainer, VertexContainer, boost::bidirectionalS, Agent, Edge > |
| The directed network type. More...
using | Utopia::Models::Opinionet::NetworkUndir = boost::adjacency_list< EdgeContainer, VertexContainer, boost::undirectedS, Agent > |
using | Utopia::Models::Opinionet::OpinionetTypes = Utopia::ModelTypes<> |
| Typehelper to define data types of the Opinionet model. More...