Utopia  2
Framework for studying models of complex & adaptive systems.
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
Utopia Namespace Reference


 Tools for iterating over collections.


class  Agent
 An agent is a slightly specialized state container. More...
class  Agent< Traits, Space, std::enable_if_t< Traits::mode !=Update::sync > >
 Agent specialization for asynchronous update. More...
class  Agent< Traits, Space, std::enable_if_t< Traits::mode==Update::sync > >
 Agent Specialisation for synchronous update. More...
class  AgentManager
 The agent manager manages the agents living in a model. More...
class  rule_invoke_result
 Helper class for checking rule signatures and return types. More...
class  Cell
 A cell is a slightly specialized state container. More...
class  CellManager
 Manages a physical space, its grid discretization, and cells on that grid. More...
struct  NoCustomLinks
 Default struct for EntityTraits; use this one if there are no custom links. More...
struct  EntityTraits
 The entity traits struct gathers types to be used for specializing an entity. More...
class  Entity
 An entity is a slightly specialized state container. More...
class  Exception
 The base exception class to derive Utopia-specific exceptions from. More...
class  GotSignal
 An exception for when the program should end due to handling of a signal. More...
class  KeyError
 For access to a dict-like structure with a bad key. More...
class  OutOfSpace
 An exception class for invalid positions in Utopia::Space. More...
class  GraphEntity
 A graph entity is a slightly specialized state container. More...
class  Grid
 The base class for all grid discretizations used by the CellManager. More...
class  HexagonalGrid
 A grid discretization using hexagonal cells. More...
class  SquareGrid
 A grid discretization using square cells. More...
class  TriangularGrid
 A grid discretization using triangular cells. More...
struct  ModelTypes
 Wrapper struct for defining model class data types. More...
class  Model
 Base class interface for Models using the CRT Pattern. More...
class  PseudoParent
 A class to use at the top level of the model hierarchy as a mock parent. More...
class  ParallelExecution
 Static information on the status of parallel execution. More...
struct  is_cell_manager
 Metafunction to determine whether a Manager is a CellManager. More...
struct  is_agent_manager
 Metafunction to determine whether a Manager is an AgentManager. More...
struct  Space
 The Space bundles properties about the physical space a model resides in. More...
class  StateContainer
 Container for states. More...
class  StateContainer< StateType, Update::manual >
 A very simple, default constructible container with public members. More...
class  StateContainer< StateType, Update::async >
 State Container specialization for async states. More...
class  StateContainer< StateType, Update::sync >
 State Container specialization for sync states. More...
class  EmptyTag
class  DefaultTag


template<typename StateType , Update update_mode, bool use_def_state_constr = false, typename AgentTags = EmptyTag, template< class > class CustomLinkContainers = NoCustomLinks>
using AgentTraits = EntityTraits< StateType, update_mode, use_def_state_constr, AgentTags, CustomLinkContainers >
 AgentTraits are just another name for Utopia::EntityTraits. More...
template<typename State , typename Rule , typename... Args>
using rule_invoke_result_t = typename rule_invoke_result< State, Rule, Args... >::type
 Helper definition to query the rule result type. More...
template<typename StateType , Update update_mode, bool use_def_state_constr = false, typename CellTags = EmptyTag, template< class > class CustomLinkContainers = NoCustomLinks>
using CellTraits = EntityTraits< StateType, update_mode, use_def_state_constr, CellTags, CustomLinkContainers >
 CellTraits are just another name for Utopia::EntityTraits. More...
template<typename StateType , typename GraphEntityTags = EmptyTag, template< class > class CustomLinkContainers = NoCustomLinks>
using GraphEntityTraits = EntityTraits< StateType, Update::manual, false, GraphEntityTags, CustomLinkContainers >
 GraphEntityTraits are mainly just another name for Utopia::EntityTraits. More...
template<class Grid >
using NBFuncID = std::function< IndexContainer(const IndexType)>
 Type of the neighborhood calculating function. More...
using DefaultSpace = Space< 2 >
 The default Space object to be used throughout Utopia. More...
using DefaultRNG = std::mt19937
 Type of default random number generator. More...
template<typename EntityType >
using EntityContainer = std::vector< std::shared_ptr< EntityType > >
 Type of the variably sized container for entities. More...
template<typename CellType >
using CellContainer = EntityContainer< CellType >
 Type of the variably sized container for cells. More...
template<typename AgentType >
using AgentContainer = EntityContainer< AgentType >
 Type of the variably sized container for agents. More...
using DimType = unsigned short
 Type for dimensions, i.e. very small unsigned integers. More...
using DistType = unsigned int
 Type for distancens, i.e. intermediately long unsigned integers. More...
using IndexType = std::size_t
 Type for indices, i.e. values used for container indexing, agent IDs, ... More...
using IndexContainer = std::vector< IndexType >
 Type for container of indices. More...
template<DimType dim>
using MultiIndexType = arma::Col< IndexType >::fixed< dim >
 Type for index type vectors that are associated with a physical space. More...
template<DimType dim>
using SpaceVecType = arma::Col< double >::fixed< dim >
 Type for vector-like data that is associated with a physical space. More...
using Config = DataIO::Config
 Type of a variadic dictionary-like data structure used throughout Utopia. More...


enum class  Shuffle { on , off }
 Switch for enabling/disabling shuffling the cells for asynchronous updates. More...
enum class  IterateOver {
  vertices , edges , neighbors , inv_neighbors ,
  in_edges , out_edges
 Over which graph entity to iterate. More...
enum class  GridStructure { square , triangular , hexagonal }
 Available grid implementations. More...
enum class  NBMode { empty = 0 , vonNeumann = 1 , Moore = 2 , hexagonal = 3 }
 Possible neighborhood types; availability depends on choice of grid. More...
enum class  WriteMode { basic , managed , manual , off }
 How to write data in the models. More...
enum  ExecPolicy { seq , unseq , par , par_unseq }
 Runtime execution policies. More...
enum class  SelectionMode {
  condition = 0 , sample = 1 , probability = 2 , clustered_simple = 20 ,
  position = 100 , boundary = 101 , lanes = 102
 Possible selection modes; availability depends on choice of manager. More...
enum class  Update { manual , sync , async }
 Update modes when applying rules. More...


template<typename State , typename Rule , typename... Args>
constexpr bool is_void_rule ()
 Helper function to check if the rule returns void More...
template<class Tuple , std::size_t... I>
constexpr decltype(auto) make_tuple_from_tuple_impl (Tuple &&t, std::index_sequence< I... >)
 Helper function to create a tuple from a tuple using an index sequence. More...
template<class Tuple >
constexpr decltype(auto) make_tuple_from_tuple (Tuple &&t)
 Helper function to create a tuple from a tuple. More...
template<Update mode, class Rule , class ContTarget , class... ContArgs, typename std::enable_if_t< mode==Update::sync, int > = 0, typename std::enable_if_t< impl::entity_t< ContTarget >::mode==Update::manual, int > = 0>
void apply_rule (Rule &&rule, const ContTarget &cont_target, ContArgs &&... cont_args)
 Sequential overload. More...
template<Update mode, class Rule , class ContTarget , class... ContArgs, typename std::enable_if_t< mode==Update::sync, int > = 0, typename std::enable_if_t< impl::entity_t< ContTarget >::mode==Update::manual, int > = 0>
void apply_rule (const Utopia::ExecPolicy policy, Rule &&rule, const ContTarget &cont_target, ContArgs &&... cont_args)
 Apply a rule synchronously to manually updated states. More...
template<Update mode, Shuffle shuffle = Shuffle::on, class Rule , class ContTarget , class... ContArgs, typename std::enable_if_t< mode==Update::async, int > = 0, typename std::enable_if_t< impl::entity_t< ContTarget >::mode==Update::manual, int > = 0, typename std::enable_if_t< shuffle==Shuffle::off, int > = 0>
void apply_rule (Rule &&rule, const ContTarget &cont_target, ContArgs &&... cont_args)
 Sequential case overload. More...
template<Update mode, Shuffle shuffle = Shuffle::on, class Rule , class ContTarget , class... ContArgs, typename std::enable_if_t< mode==Update::async, int > = 0, typename std::enable_if_t< impl::entity_t< ContTarget >::mode==Update::manual, int > = 0, typename std::enable_if_t< shuffle==Shuffle::off, int > = 0>
void apply_rule (const Utopia::ExecPolicy policy, Rule &&rule, const ContTarget &cont_target, ContArgs &&... cont_args)
 Apply a rule asynchronously to manually updated states. More...
template<Update mode, Shuffle shuffle = Shuffle::on, class Rule , class ContTarget , class RNG , class... ContArgs, typename std::enable_if_t< mode==Update::async, int > = 0, typename std::enable_if_t< impl::entity_t< ContTarget >::mode==Update::manual, int > = 0, typename std::enable_if_t< shuffle==Shuffle::on, int > = 0>
void apply_rule (Rule &&rule, const ContTarget &cont_target, RNG &&rng, ContArgs &&... cont_args)
 Sequential case overload. More...
template<Update mode, Shuffle shuffle = Shuffle::on, class Rule , class ContTarget , class RNG , class... ContArgs, typename std::enable_if_t< mode==Update::async, int > = 0, typename std::enable_if_t< impl::entity_t< ContTarget >::mode==Update::manual, int > = 0, typename std::enable_if_t< shuffle==Shuffle::on, int > = 0>
void apply_rule (const Utopia::ExecPolicy policy, Rule &&rule, const ContTarget &cont_target, RNG &&rng, ContArgs &&... cont_args)
 Apply a rule asynchronously and shuffled to manually updated states. More...
template<class Rule , class Container , bool sync = impl::entity_t<Container>::is_sync()>
std::enable_if_t< sync, void > apply_rule (const Rule &rule, const Container &container)
 Apply a rule synchronously on the state of all entities of a container. More...
template<bool shuffle = true, class Rule , class Container , bool sync = impl::entity_t<Container>::is_sync()>
std::enable_if_t< not sync &&not shuffle, void > apply_rule (const Rule &rule, const Container &container)
 Apply a rule on asynchronous states without prior shuffling. More...
template<bool shuffle = true, class Rule , class Container , class RNG , bool sync = impl::entity_t<Container>::is_sync()>
std::enable_if_t< not sync &&shuffle, void > apply_rule (const Rule &rule, const Container &container, RNG &&rng)
 Apply a rule on asynchronous states with prior shuffling. More...
template<class exc_t >
int handle_exception (exc_t &exc)
 A helper function to handle a Utopia-specific exception. More...
template<IterateOver iterate_over, Update mode, typename Graph , typename Rule , typename std::enable_if_t< mode==Update::sync, int > = 0>
void apply_rule (Rule &&rule, Graph &&g)
 Synchronously apply a rule to graph entities. More...
template<IterateOver iterate_over, Update mode, Shuffle shuffle, typename Graph , typename Rule , typename std::enable_if_t< mode==Update::async, int > = 0>
void apply_rule (Rule &&rule, Graph &&g)
 Asynchronously apply a rule to graph entities, without shuffling. More...
template<IterateOver iterate_over, Update mode, Shuffle shuffle = Shuffle::on, typename Graph , typename Rule , typename RNG , typename std::enable_if_t< mode==Update::async, int > = 0, typename std::enable_if_t< shuffle==Shuffle::on, int > = 0>
void apply_rule (Rule &&rule, Graph &&g, RNG &&rng)
 Asynchronously, in shuffled order, apply a rule to graph entities. More...
template<IterateOver iterate_over, Update mode, typename Graph , typename Rule , typename VertexDesc = typename boost::graph_traits< std::remove_reference_t<Graph>>::vertex_descriptor, typename std::enable_if_t< mode==Update::sync, int > = 0>
void apply_rule (Rule &&rule, const VertexDesc ref_vertex, Graph &&g)
 Synchronously apply a rule to graph entities. More...
template<IterateOver iterate_over, Update mode, Shuffle shuffle = Shuffle::on, typename Graph , typename Rule , typename VertexDesc = typename boost::graph_traits< std::remove_reference_t<Graph>>::vertex_descriptor, typename std::enable_if_t< mode==Update::async, int > = 0, typename std::enable_if_t< shuffle==Shuffle::off, int > = 0>
void apply_rule (Rule &&rule, const VertexDesc ref_vertex, Graph &&g)
 Asynchronously apply a rule to graph entities, without shuffling. More...
template<IterateOver iterate_over, Update mode, Shuffle shuffle = Shuffle::on, typename Graph , typename Rule , typename RNG , typename VertexDesc = typename boost::graph_traits< std::remove_reference_t<Graph>>::vertex_descriptor>
void apply_rule (Rule &&rule, const VertexDesc ref_vertex, Graph &&g, RNG &&rng)
 Asynchronously, in shuffled order, apply a rule to graph entities. More...
template<IterateOver iterate_over, typename Graph >
decltype(auto) range (const Graph &g)
 Get the iterator range over selected graph entities. More...
template<IterateOver iterate_over, typename Graph , typename EntityDesc >
decltype(auto) range (EntityDesc e, const Graph &g)
 Get the iterator range over selected graph entities. More...
std::string grid_structure_to_string (const GridStructure &structure)
 Given an GridStructure enum value, return the corresponding string key. More...
std::string nb_mode_to_string (const NBMode &nb_mode)
 Given an NBMode enum value, return the corresponding string key. More...
std::shared_ptr< spdlog::logger > init_logger (const std::string name, const spdlog::level::level_enum level, const bool throw_on_exist=true)
 Initialize a logger with a certain name and log level. More...
void setup_loggers (const spdlog::level::level_enum level_core=spdlog::level::warn, const spdlog::level::level_enum level_data_io=spdlog::level::warn, const spdlog::level::level_enum level_data_mngr=spdlog::level::warn, const std::string &log_pattern="")
 Set up and register the global loggers and set the global log pattern. More...
template<class Func , class... Args>
auto exec_parallel (MAYBE_UNUSED const Utopia::ExecPolicy policy, Func &&f, Args &&... args)
 Call a function with an STL execution policy and arguments. More...
std::string selection_mode_to_string (const SelectionMode &mode)
 Given a SelectionMode enum value, return the corresponding string key. More...
template<class Manager , class Container = EntityContainer<typename Manager::Entity>>
Container select_entities (const Manager &mngr, const DataIO::Config &sel_cfg)
 Select entities according to parameters specified in a configuration. More...
template<SelectionMode mode, class Manager , class Container = EntityContainer<typename Manager::Entity>, class Condition = std::function<bool(const std::shared_ptr<typename Manager::Entity>&)>, typename std::enable_if_t< mode==SelectionMode::condition, int > = 0>
Container select_entities (const Manager &mngr, const Condition &condition)
 Return a container with entities that match the given condition. More...
template<SelectionMode mode, class Manager , class Container = EntityContainer<typename Manager::Entity>, typename std::enable_if_t< mode==SelectionMode::sample, int > = 0>
Container select_entities (const Manager &mngr, const int num_entities)
 Select a sample of entities randomly. More...
template<SelectionMode mode, class Manager , class Container = EntityContainer<typename Manager::Entity>, typename std::enable_if_t< mode==SelectionMode::probability, int > = 0>
Container select_entities (const Manager &mngr, const double probability)
 Select entities with a certain probability. More...
template<SelectionMode mode, class Manager , class Container = EntityContainer<typename Manager::Entity>, typename std::enable_if_t< mode==SelectionMode::position, int > = 0>
Container select_entities (const Manager &mngr, const std::vector< typename Manager::SpaceVec > &positions)
 Selects cells at given positions in space. More...
template<SelectionMode mode, class Manager , class Container = EntityContainer<typename Manager::Entity>, typename std::enable_if_t< mode==SelectionMode::boundary, int > = 0>
Container select_entities (const Manager &mngr, const std::string &boundary)
 Selects cells on a boundary. More...
template<SelectionMode mode, class Manager , class Container = EntityContainer<typename Manager::Entity>, typename std::enable_if_t< mode==SelectionMode::lanes, int > = 0>
Container select_entities (const Manager &mngr, const unsigned int num_vertical, const unsigned int num_horizontal, const std::pair< double, double > permeability={0., 0.}, const std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > gate_width={0, 0})
 Selects horizontal or vertical lanes of cells. More...
template<SelectionMode mode, class Manager , class Container = EntityContainer<typename Manager::Entity>, typename std::enable_if_t< mode==SelectionMode::clustered_simple, int > = 0>
Container select_entities (const Manager &mngr, const double p_seed, const double p_attach, const unsigned int num_passes)
 Selects cells that are clustered using a simple clustering algorithm. More...
void default_signal_handler (int signum)
 Default signal handler function, only setting the stop_now global flag. More...
template<typename Handler >
void attach_signal_handler (int signum, Handler &&handler)
 Attaches a signal handler for the given signal via sigaction. More...
void attach_signal_handler (int signum)
 Attaches the default signal handler for the given signal. More...
template<class Cont = std::vector<std::string>>
std::string join (const Cont &cont, const std::string &delim=", ")
 Joins together the strings in a container. More...
template<class SeqCont = std::vector<std::string>>
SeqCont split (const std::string &s, const std::string &delims=" ")
 Splits a string and returns a container of string segments. More...
template<typename ReturnType >
ReturnType get_as (const std::string &key, const DataIO::Config &node)
 This function is a wrapper around the yaml-cpp YAML::Node::as function. More...
template<typename ReturnType >
ReturnType get_as (const std::string &key, const DataIO::Config &node, ReturnType fallback)
 Like Utopia::get_as, but instead of KeyError, returns a fallback value. More...
template<DimType dim>
SpaceVecType< dim > get_as_SpaceVec (const std::string &key, const DataIO::Config &node)
 Special case of Utopia::get_as to retrieve an entry as SpaceVec. More...
template<DimType dim>
MultiIndexType< dim > get_as_MultiIndex (const std::string &key, const DataIO::Config &node)
 Special case of Utopia::get_as to retrieve an entry as MultiIndex. More...


const std::map< std::string, GridStructuregrid_structure_map
 A map from strings to grid structure enum values. More...
const std::map< std::string, NBModenb_mode_map
 A map from strings to neighborhood enum values. More...
const std::string log_core = "core"
const std::string log_data_io = "data_io"
const std::string log_data_mngr = "data_mngr"
constexpr WriteMode DefaultWriteMode = WriteMode::basic
 Alias for the default write mode. More...
const std::map< std::string, SelectionModeselection_mode_map
 A map from strings to Select enum values. More...
std::atomic< bool > stop_now
 The flag indicating whether to stop whatever is being done right now. More...
std::atomic< int > received_signum
 The received signal value. More...

Typedef Documentation

◆ AgentContainer

template<typename AgentType >
using Utopia::AgentContainer = typedef EntityContainer<AgentType>

Type of the variably sized container for agents.

◆ CellContainer

template<typename CellType >
using Utopia::CellContainer = typedef EntityContainer<CellType>

Type of the variably sized container for cells.

◆ Config

using Utopia::Config = typedef DataIO::Config

Type of a variadic dictionary-like data structure used throughout Utopia.

◆ DefaultRNG

using Utopia::DefaultRNG = typedef std::mt19937

Type of default random number generator.

◆ DimType

using Utopia::DimType = typedef unsigned short

Type for dimensions, i.e. very small unsigned integers.

◆ DistType

using Utopia::DistType = typedef unsigned int

Type for distancens, i.e. intermediately long unsigned integers.

◆ EntityContainer

template<typename EntityType >
using Utopia::EntityContainer = typedef std::vector<std::shared_ptr<EntityType> >

Type of the variably sized container for entities.

◆ IndexContainer

using Utopia::IndexContainer = typedef std::vector<IndexType>

Type for container of indices.

◆ IndexType

using Utopia::IndexType = typedef std::size_t

Type for indices, i.e. values used for container indexing, agent IDs, ...

◆ MultiIndexType

template<DimType dim>
using Utopia::MultiIndexType = typedef arma::Col<IndexType>::fixed<dim>

Type for index type vectors that are associated with a physical space.

Uses a fixed-size Armadillo column vector of IndexType

This vector is not to be interpreted as a "container"
Template Parameters
dimThe dimensionality (or: rank) of the vector

◆ SpaceVecType

template<DimType dim>
using Utopia::SpaceVecType = typedef arma::Col<double>::fixed<dim>

Type for vector-like data that is associated with a physical space.

Uses a fixed-size Armadillo column vector of doubles

Template Parameters
dimThe dimensionality (or: rank) of the vector

Function Documentation

◆ attach_signal_handler() [1/2]

void Utopia::attach_signal_handler ( int  signum)

Attaches the default signal handler for the given signal.

◆ attach_signal_handler() [2/2]

template<typename Handler >
void Utopia::attach_signal_handler ( int  signum,
Handler &&  handler 

Attaches a signal handler for the given signal via sigaction.

This function constructs a sigaction struct for the given handler and attaches it to the specified signal number.

signumThe signal number to attach a custom handler to
handlerPointer to the function that should be invoked when the specified signal is received.

◆ default_signal_handler()

void Utopia::default_signal_handler ( int  signum)

Default signal handler function, only setting the stop_now global flag.

◆ handle_exception()

template<class exc_t >
int Utopia::handle_exception ( exc_t &  exc)

A helper function to handle a Utopia-specific exception.

excThe exception to handle
int The exit code from the exception

◆ join()

template<class Cont = std::vector<std::string>>
std::string Utopia::join ( const Cont &  cont,
const std::string &  delim = ", " 

Joins together the strings in a container.

Wraps boost::algorithm::join

◆ split()

template<class SeqCont = std::vector<std::string>>
SeqCont Utopia::split ( const std::string &  s,
const std::string &  delims = " " 

Splits a string and returns a container of string segments.

Wraps boost::algorithm::split. This function aims to cover typical use cases for string splitting, not the task of string splitting in general.

Template Parameters
SeqContThe container type to use; note that the element type of that container always be std::string
sThe string to split according to delims
delimsThe delimiters (plural!) to split by. Will be passed to boost::is_any_of.
The boost::is_any_of classifier being used here means that any character in delims is used as a delimiter, even if they are on their own. Additionally, the boost::algorithm::token_compress_on qualifier is used, meaning that adjacent tokens are compressed and do not lead to an empty segment entry. However, note that a delimiter like -> will match -> but also >- ->- ->>- and other combinations!

Variable Documentation

◆ received_signum

std::atomic<int> Utopia::received_signum

The received signal value.

◆ stop_now

std::atomic<bool> Utopia::stop_now

The flag indicating whether to stop whatever is being done right now.

This needs to be an atomic flag in order to be thread-safe. While the check of this flag is about three times slower than checking a boolean's value (quick-bench.com/IRtD4sQfp_xUwGPa2YrATD4vEyA), this difference is minute to other computations done between two checks.