Utopia  2
Framework for studying models of complex & adaptive systems.
Go to the documentation of this file.
4 #include <numeric>
5 #include <sstream>
7 #include <hdf5.h>
9 #include "../core/logging.hh"
11 #include "hdfutilities.hh"
13 namespace Utopia
14 {
15 namespace DataIO
16 {
27 // ++ Helper functions ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
28 namespace _chunk_helpers
29 {
41 template < typename Cont, typename Predicate >
42 std::vector< unsigned short >
43 find_all_idcs(Cont& vec, Predicate pred)
44 {
45  // Create the return container
46  std::vector< unsigned short > idcs;
48  // Repeatedly start iterating over the vector until reached the end
49  auto iter = vec.begin();
50  while ((iter = std::find_if(iter, vec.end(), pred)) != vec.end())
51  {
52  // Add the value of the iterator to the indices vector
53  idcs.push_back(std::distance(vec.begin(), iter));
55  // Increment iterator to continue with next element
56  iter++;
57  }
59  return idcs;
60 };
63 template < typename Cont = std::vector< hsize_t > >
64 std::string
65 to_str(const Cont& vec)
66 {
67  std::stringstream s;
68  s << "{ ";
69  for (auto& extd : vec)
70  {
71  if (extd < H5S_UNLIMITED)
72  {
73  s << extd << " ";
74  }
75  else
76  {
77  s << "∞ ";
78  }
79  }
80  s << "}";
81  return s.str();
82 };
84 // -- Optimization algorithms -------------------------------------------------
111 template < typename Cont, typename Logger >
112 void
113 opt_chunks_target(Cont& chunks,
114  double bytes_target,
115  const hsize_t typesize,
116  const unsigned int CHUNKSIZE_MAX,
117  const unsigned int CHUNKSIZE_MIN,
118  const bool larger_high_dims,
119  const Logger& log)
120 {
121  // Helper lambda for calculating bytesize of a chunks configuration
122  auto bytes = [&typesize](Cont c) {
123  return typesize *
124  std::accumulate(c.begin(), c.end(), 1, std::multiplies<>());
125  };
127  // Check the case of typesize larger than CHUNKSIZE_MAX; cannot do anything
128  // in that case -> safer to throw an exception.
129  if (typesize > CHUNKSIZE_MAX)
130  {
131  throw std::invalid_argument("Cannot use opt_chunks_target with a "
132  "typesize larger than CHUNKSIZE_MAX!");
133  }
135  log->debug("Starting optimization towards target size:"
136  " {:7.0f}B ({:.1f} kiB)",
137  bytes_target,
138  bytes_target / 1024.);
140  // Ensure the target chunk size is between CHUNKSIZE_MIN and CHUNKSIZE_MAX
141  // in order to not choose too large or too small chunks
142  if (bytes_target > CHUNKSIZE_MAX)
143  {
144  bytes_target = CHUNKSIZE_MAX;
146  log->debug("Target size too large! New target size:"
147  " {:7.0f}B ({:.1f} kiB)",
148  bytes_target,
149  bytes_target / 1024.);
150  }
151  else if (bytes_target < CHUNKSIZE_MIN)
152  {
153  bytes_target = CHUNKSIZE_MIN;
155  log->debug("Target size too small! New target size:"
156  " {:7.0f}B ({:.1f} kiB)",
157  bytes_target,
158  bytes_target / 1024.);
159  }
161  // ... and a variable that will store the size (in bytes) of this specific
162  // chunk configuration
163  std::size_t bytes_chunks;
165  // Calculate the rank (need it to know iteration -> dim mapping)
166  auto rank = chunks.size();
168  /* Now optimize the chunks for each dimension by repeatedly looping over
169  * the vector and dividing the values by two (rounding up).
170  *
171  * The loop is left when the following condition is fulfilled:
172  * within 50% of target chunk size
173  * AND
174  * within bounds of minimum and maximum chunk size
175  *
176  * NOTE Limiting the optimization to 42 iterations in order to be on the
177  * safe side. This goes through all entries (rank / 42) times and
178  * halves or doubles the chunk extent.
179  */
180  for (unsigned short i = 0; i < 42 * rank; i++)
181  {
182  // With the current values of the chunks, calculate the chunk size
183  bytes_chunks = bytes(chunks);
185  log->debug("Chunks: {} -> {:7d} B ({:.1f} kiB)",
186  to_str(chunks),
187  bytes_chunks,
188  bytes_chunks / 1024.);
190  // If close enough to target size, optimization is finished
191  if ((std::abs(bytes_chunks - bytes_target) / bytes_target < 0.5) &&
192  bytes_chunks <= CHUNKSIZE_MAX && bytes_chunks >= CHUNKSIZE_MIN)
193  {
194  log->debug("Close enough to target size now.");
195  break;
196  }
197  // else: not yet close enough
199  // Calculate the dimension this iteration belongs to
200  auto dim = i % rank;
202  // Adjust the chunksize towards the target size
203  if (bytes_chunks < bytes_target)
204  {
205  // Can increase the size of the chunk extend in the current dim
207  // If high dimensions should be favoured, change the dim to work
208  // on such that first the high dimensions are increased in size
209  if (larger_high_dims)
210  {
211  dim = (rank - 1) - dim;
212  }
214  // Multiply by two
215  log->debug("Doubling extend of chunk dimension {} ...", dim);
216  chunks[dim] = chunks[dim] * 2;
217  }
218  else
219  {
220  // Need to decrease the size of the chunk extend in the current dim
222  // For the larger_high_dims option, smaller dimensions are to be
223  // favoured. However, in order to allow a reduction, these need to
224  // have a chunk extend that is larger than one; once that is no
225  // longer fulfilled, the below if condition will not perform
226  // any change of the dim variable.
227  if (larger_high_dims && rank > 1 && dim > 0 && chunks[dim - 1] > 1)
228  {
229  // Stay on low dimensions one step longer
230  if (dim > 0)
231  {
232  dim--;
233  }
235  // Skip the reduction if this is the last dim
236  if (dim == rank - 1)
237  {
238  log->debug("Skipping reduction of chunk dimension {}, "
239  "because it is the highest ...",
240  dim);
241  continue;
242  }
243  }
245  // Do not continue if halving is not possible
246  if (chunks[dim] == 1)
247  {
248  log->debug("Extend of chunk dimension {} is already 1.", dim);
249  continue;
250  }
252  // TODO generalise the above if blocks! The cleanest way would be
253  // to determine which chunk dimensions _can_ be reduced before
254  // determining the dimension that is to be reduced. This would
255  // alleviate the iterations in which the chunk extent is 1
256  // and no halving can take place ...
258  // Divide the chunk size of the current dim by two
259  log->debug("Halving extend of chunk dimension {} ...", dim);
260  chunks[dim] = 1 + ((chunks[dim] - 1) / 2); // ceiling!
261  // NOTE integer division fun; can do this because all are unsigned
262  // and the chunks entry is always nonzero
263  }
264  }
266  return;
267 }
303 template < typename Cont, typename Logger >
304 void
306  const Cont& max_extend,
307  const hsize_t typesize,
308  const unsigned int CHUNKSIZE_MAX,
309  const bool opt_inf_dims,
310  const bool larger_high_dims,
311  const Logger& log)
312 {
313  // Helper lambda for calculating bytesize of a chunks configuration
314  auto bytes = [&typesize](Cont c) {
315  return typesize *
316  std::accumulate(c.begin(), c.end(), 1, std::multiplies<>());
317  };
319  // Check the case of typesize larger than CHUNKSIZE_MAX; cannot do anything
320  // in that case -> safer to throw an exception.
321  if (typesize > CHUNKSIZE_MAX)
322  {
323  throw std::invalid_argument(
324  "Cannot use opt_chunks_with_max_extend "
325  "with a typesize larger than CHUNKSIZE_MAX!");
326  }
328  // .. Parse dims and prepare algorithm ....................................
330  // Determine the finite dims
331  auto dims_fin =
332  find_all_idcs(max_extend, [](auto l) { return l != H5S_UNLIMITED; });
333  // Ideally, an integer multiple of the chunk size along this dim should
334  // be equal to the maximum extend
336  // Determine the infinite dims
337  auto dims_inf =
338  find_all_idcs(max_extend, [](auto l) { return l == H5S_UNLIMITED; });
339  // As the final extend along these dims is not known, we can not make a
340  // good guess for these. Instead, we should use the leverage we have for
341  // optimizing the chunk size along the finite dims. The infinite dims will
342  // thus, most likely, end up with shorter chunk sizes.
344  // Declare a container type for storing indices, same as those returned by
345  // the find_all_idcs function
346  using IdxCont = decltype(dims_fin);
348  // Create a container with the available dimension indices
349  IdxCont dims(chunks.size());
350  std::iota(dims.begin(), dims.end(), 0);
352  // Among the finite dims, determine the dims that can still be filled,
353  // i.e. those where the chunk size does not reach the max_extend
354  IdxCont dims_fillable;
355  for (auto dim : dims_fin)
356  {
357  if (max_extend[dim] > chunks[dim])
358  {
359  dims_fillable.push_back(dim);
360  }
361  }
363  // Check if to reverse index containers to favour higher dims
364  if (larger_high_dims)
365  {
366  // Reverse all index containers
367  std::reverse(dims_fillable.begin(), dims_fillable.end());
368  std::reverse(dims_fin.begin(), dims_fin.end());
369  std::reverse(dims_inf.begin(), dims_inf.end());
371  // NOTE do not actually _need_ to reverse the finite dims container,
372  // doing it only for consistency.
373  }
375  // .. Optimization of finite (and still fillable) dims ....................
377  if (!dims_fillable.size())
378  {
379  log->debug("No finite dimensions available to optimize.");
380  }
381  else
382  {
383  log->debug("Optimizing {} finite dimension(s) where max_extend is not "
384  "yet reached ...",
385  dims_fillable.size());
387  // Loop over the fillable dims indices
388  for (auto dim : dims_fillable)
389  {
390  // Check if there is still potential for optimization
391  // NOTE this could be more thorough
392  if (bytes(chunks) == CHUNKSIZE_MAX)
393  {
394  log->debug("Reached maximum chunksize.");
395  break;
396  }
398  // Check if the max_extend is an integer multiple of the chunksize
399  if (max_extend[dim] % chunks[dim] == 0)
400  {
401  // Find the divisor
402  std::size_t factor = max_extend[dim] / chunks[dim];
404  // It might fit in completely ...
405  if (factor * bytes(chunks) <= CHUNKSIZE_MAX)
406  {
407  // It does. Adjust chunks and continue with next dim
408  log->debug("Dimension {} can be filled completely. "
409  "Factor: {}",
410  dim,
411  factor);
412  chunks[dim] = chunks[dim] * factor;
413  continue;
414  }
415  // else: would not fit in completely
417  // Starting from the largest possible factor, find the largest
418  // integer divisor of the original factor, i.e.: one that will
419  // also completely cover the max_extend
420  for (std::size_t div = (CHUNKSIZE_MAX / bytes(chunks));
421  div >= 1;
422  div--)
423  {
424  // Check if it is an integer divisor
425  if (factor % div == 0)
426  {
427  // Yes! The _new_ factor is now this value
428  factor = div;
429  break;
430  }
431  }
432  // NOTE Covers the edge case of max. factor == 1: the loop will
433  // perform only one iteration and resulting factor will be 1,
434  // leading (effectively) to no scaling.
436  // Scale the chunksize with this factor
437  if (factor > 1)
438  {
439  log->debug(
440  "Scaling dimension {} with factor {} ...", dim, factor);
442  chunks[dim] = chunks[dim] * factor;
443  }
444  }
445  else
446  {
447  // Not divisible. Check if the max_extend could be reached w/o
448  // exceeding the max chunksize
449  const double factor = double(max_extend[dim]) / chunks[dim];
451  if (factor * bytes(chunks) <= CHUNKSIZE_MAX)
452  {
453  // Yep. Just extend this dimension to the max_extend, done.
454  log->debug("Dimension {} can be filled completely. "
455  "(difference: {}, factor: {})",
456  dim,
457  max_extend[dim] - chunks[dim],
458  factor);
460  chunks[dim] = max_extend[dim];
461  }
462  else
463  {
464  // Cannot further extend.
465  log->debug("Dimension {} cannot be extended to fill "
466  "max_extend without exceeding maximum "
467  "chunksize! "
468  "(difference: {}, factor: {})",
469  dim,
470  max_extend[dim] - chunks[dim],
471  factor);
472  }
473  }
474  // Done with this index
475  }
476  }
478  // .. Optimization of infinite dims .......................................
480  if (!opt_inf_dims)
481  {
482  log->debug("Optimization of unlimited dimensions is disabled.");
483  }
484  else if (!dims_inf.size())
485  {
486  log->debug("No unlimited dimensions available to optimize.");
487  }
488  else if (bytes(chunks) == CHUNKSIZE_MAX)
489  {
490  log->debug("Cannot further optimize using unlimited dimensions.");
491  }
492  else
493  {
494  log->debug("Optimizing {} unlimited dimension(s) to fill the maximum "
495  "chunk size ...",
496  dims_inf.size());
498  // Loop over indices of inf. dims
499  // NOTE Depending on the chunk sizes, this might only have an effect
500  // on the first index considered ... but that's fine for now.
501  for (auto dim : dims_inf)
502  {
503  // Calculate the factor to make the chunk as big as possible
504  const std::size_t factor = CHUNKSIZE_MAX / bytes(chunks); // floors
506  // If large enough, scale it by that factor
507  if (factor > 1)
508  {
509  log->debug(
510  "Scaling dimension {} with factor {} ...", dim, factor);
512  chunks[dim] = chunks[dim] * factor;
513  }
514  }
515  }
517  // Done.
518  // Check if everything went fine (only a safeguard ...)
519  if (bytes(chunks) > CHUNKSIZE_MAX)
520  {
521  throw std::runtime_error("Calculated chunks exceed CHUNKSIZE_MAX! "
522  "This should not have happened!");
523  }
525  return;
526 }
528 } // namespace helpers
530 // ++ The actual guess_chunksize method +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
601 // NOTE Could include compression level here in the future
602 template < typename Cont = std::vector< hsize_t > >
603 const Cont
604 calc_chunksize(const hsize_t typesize,
605  const Cont io_extend,
606  Cont max_extend = {},
607  const bool opt_inf_dims = true,
608  const bool larger_high_dims = true,
609  const unsigned int CHUNKSIZE_MAX = 1048576, // 1M
610  const unsigned int CHUNKSIZE_MIN = 8192, // 8k
611  const unsigned int CHUNKSIZE_BASE = 262144) // 256k
612 {
613  // Make the helper functions available
614  using namespace _chunk_helpers;
616  // Helper lambda for calculating bytesize of a chunks configuration
617  auto bytes = [&typesize](Cont c) {
618  return typesize *
619  std::accumulate(c.begin(), c.end(), 1, std::multiplies<>());
620  };
622  // Get a logger to use here; note that it needs to have been set up outside
623  // of here beforehand!
624  const auto log = spdlog::get("data_io");
626  // .. Check correctness of arguments and extract some info ................
627  // Get the rank
628  unsigned short rank = io_extend.size();
630  // For scalar datasets, chunking is not available
631  if (rank == 0)
632  {
633  throw std::invalid_argument("Cannot guess chunksize for a scalar "
634  "dataset!");
635  }
637  // Make sure io_extend has no illegal values (<=0)
638  for (const auto& val : io_extend)
639  {
640  if (val <= 0)
641  {
642  throw std::invalid_argument(
643  "Argument 'io_extend' contained "
644  "illegal (zero or negative) value(s)! io_extend: " +
645  to_str(io_extend));
646  }
647  }
649  // Find out if the max_extend is given and determine whether dset is finite
650  bool dset_finite;
651  bool all_dims_inf;
653  if (max_extend.size())
654  {
655  // Yes, was given. Need to check that the max_extend values are ok.
656  // Check that it matches the rank
657  if (max_extend.size() != rank)
658  {
659  throw std::invalid_argument(
660  "Argument 'max_extend' does not have the same dimensionality "
661  "as the rank of this dataset (as extracted from the "
662  "'io_extend' argument).");
663  }
665  // And that all values are valid, i.e. larger than corresp.io_extend
666  for (unsigned short i = 0; i < rank; i++)
667  {
668  if (max_extend[i] < io_extend[i])
669  {
670  throw std::invalid_argument(
671  "Index " + std::to_string(i) +
672  " of argument 'max_extend' (" + to_str(max_extend) +
673  ") was smaller than the corresponding 'io_extend' (" +
674  to_str(io_extend) + ") value! ");
675  }
676  }
677  // max_extend content is valid now
679  // Now extract information on the properties of max_extend
680  // Need to check whether any dataset dimension can be infinitely long
681  dset_finite = (std::find(max_extend.begin(),
682  max_extend.end(),
683  H5S_UNLIMITED) ==
684  max_extend.end()); // i.e., H5S_UNLIMITED _not_ found
686  // Or even all are infinitely long
687  all_dims_inf = true;
688  for (const auto& ext : max_extend)
689  {
690  if (ext < H5S_UNLIMITED)
691  {
692  // This one is not infinite
693  all_dims_inf = false;
694  break;
695  }
696  }
697  }
698  else
699  {
700  // max_extend not given
701  // Have to assume the max_extend is the same as the io_extend
702  // Thus, the properties are known:
703  dset_finite = true;
704  all_dims_inf = false;
706  // Set the values to those of io_extend
707  max_extend.insert(
708  max_extend.begin(), io_extend.begin(), io_extend.end());
709  }
711  // NOTE max_extend is now a vector of same rank as io_extend
712  log->info("Calculating optimal chunk size for io_extend {} and "
713  "max_extend {} ...",
714  to_str(io_extend),
715  to_str(max_extend));
716  log->debug("rank: {}", rank);
717  log->debug("finite dset? {}", dset_finite);
718  log->debug("all dims infinite? {}", all_dims_inf);
719  log->debug("optimize inf dims? {}", opt_inf_dims);
720  log->debug("larger high dims? {}", larger_high_dims);
721  log->debug("typesize: {}", typesize);
722  log->debug("max. chunksize: {:7d} ({:.1f} kiB)",
724  CHUNKSIZE_MAX / 1024.);
725  log->debug("min. chunksize: {:7d} ({:.1f} kiB)",
727  CHUNKSIZE_MIN / 1024.);
728  log->debug("base chunksize: {:7d} ({:.1f} kiB)",
730  CHUNKSIZE_BASE / 1024.);
732  // .. For the simple cases, evaluate the chunksize directly ...............
734  // For large typesizes, each chunk can at most contain a single element.
735  // Chunks that extend to more than one element require a typesize smaller
736  // than half the maximum chunksize.
737  if (typesize > CHUNKSIZE_MAX / 2)
738  {
739  log->debug("Type size >= 1/2 max. chunksize -> Each cell needs to be "
740  "its own chunk.");
741  return Cont(rank, 1);
742  }
744  // For a finite dataset, that would fit into CHUNKSIZE_MAX when maximally
745  // extended, we can only have (and only need!) a single chunk
746  if (dset_finite && (bytes(max_extend) <= CHUNKSIZE_MAX))
747  {
748  log->debug("Maximally extended dataset will fit into single chunk.");
749  return Cont(max_extend);
750  }
752  // .. Step 1: Optimize for one I/O operation fitting into chunk ...........
753  log->debug("Cannot apply simple optimizations. Try to fit single I/O "
754  "operation into a chunk ...");
756  // Create the temporary container that will store the chunksize values.
757  // It starts with a copy of the extend values for I/O operations.
758  Cont _chunks(io_extend);
760  // Determine the size (in bytes) of a write operation with this extend
761  const auto bytes_io = bytes(io_extend);
762  log->debug(
763  "I/O operation size: {:7d} ({:.1f} kiB)", bytes_io, bytes_io / 1024.);
765  // Determine if an I/O operation fits into a single chunk, then decide on
766  // how to optimize accordingly
767  if (bytes_io > CHUNKSIZE_MAX)
768  {
769  // The I/O operation does _not_ fit into a chunk
770  // Aim to fit the I/O operation into the chunk -> target: max chunksize
771  log->debug("Single I/O operation does not fit into chunk.");
772  log->debug("Trying to use the fewest possible chunks for a single "
773  "I/O operation ...");
775  opt_chunks_target(_chunks,
776  CHUNKSIZE_MAX, // <- target value
777  typesize,
780  larger_high_dims,
781  log);
782  // NOTE The algorithm is also able to _increase_ the chunk size in
783  // certain dimensions. However, with _chunks == io_extend and the
784  // knowledge that the current bytesize of _chunks is above the
785  // maximum size, the chunk extensions will only be _reduced_.
786  }
787  else if (all_dims_inf && opt_inf_dims && bytes(_chunks) < CHUNKSIZE_BASE)
788  {
789  // The I/O operation _does_ fit into a chunk, but the dataset is
790  // infinite in _all directions_ and small chunksizes can be very
791  // inefficient -> optimize towards some base value
792  log->debug("Single I/O operation does fit into chunk.");
793  log->debug("Optimizing chunks in unlimited dimensions to be closer "
794  "to base chunksize ...");
796  opt_chunks_target(_chunks,
797  CHUNKSIZE_BASE, // <- target value
798  typesize,
801  larger_high_dims,
802  log);
803  // NOTE There is no issue with going beyond the maximum chunksize here
804  }
805  else
806  {
807  // no other optimization towards a target size make sense
808  log->debug("Single I/O operation does fit into a chunk.");
809  }
811  // To be on the safe side: Check that _chunks did not exceed max_extend
812  for (unsigned short i = 0; i < rank; i++)
813  {
814  if (_chunks[i] > max_extend[i])
815  {
816  log->warn("Optimization led to chunks larger than max_extend. "
817  "This should not have happened!");
818  _chunks[i] = max_extend[i];
819  }
820  }
822  // .. Step 2: Optimize by taking the max_extend into account ..............
824  // This is only possible if the current chunk size is not already above the
825  // upper limit, CHUNKSIZE_MAX, and the max_extend is not already reached.
826  // Also, it should not be enabled if the optimization towards unlimited
827  // dimensions was already performed
828  if (!(opt_inf_dims && all_dims_inf) && (_chunks != max_extend) &&
829  (bytes(_chunks) < CHUNKSIZE_MAX))
830  {
831  log->debug("Have max_extend information and can (potentially) use it "
832  "to optimize chunk extensions.");
835  max_extend,
836  typesize,
838  opt_inf_dims,
839  larger_high_dims,
840  log);
841  }
842  // else: no further optimization possible
844  // Done.
845  // Make sure that chunksize is smaller than maximum chunksize
846  if (bytes(_chunks) > CHUNKSIZE_MAX)
847  {
848  throw std::runtime_error(
849  "Byte size of chunks " + to_str(_chunks) +
850  " is larger than CHUNKSIZE_MAX! This should not have happened!");
851  }
853  // Create a const version of the temporary chunks vector
854  const Cont chunks(_chunks);
855  log->info("Optimized chunk size: {}", to_str(chunks));
857  return chunks;
858 } // end of group ChunkingUtilities // end of group DataIO
862 } // namespace DataIO
863 } // namespace Utopia
const Cont calc_chunksize(const hsize_t typesize, const Cont io_extend, Cont max_extend={}, const bool opt_inf_dims=true, const bool larger_high_dims=true, const unsigned int CHUNKSIZE_MAX=1048576, const unsigned int CHUNKSIZE_MIN=8192, const unsigned int CHUNKSIZE_BASE=262144)
Try to guess a good chunksize for a dataset.
Definition: hdfchunking.hh:604
std::string to_string(const Config &node)
Given a config node, returns a string representation of it.
Definition: cfg_utils.hh:110
This file provides metafunctions for automatically determining the nature of a C/C++ types at compile...
void opt_chunks_with_max_extend(Cont &chunks, const Cont &max_extend, const hsize_t typesize, const unsigned int CHUNKSIZE_MAX, const bool opt_inf_dims, const bool larger_high_dims, const Logger &log)
Optimize chunk sizes using max_extend information.
Definition: hdfchunking.hh:305
std::vector< unsigned short > find_all_idcs(Cont &vec, Predicate pred)
Finds all indices of elements in a vector that matches the given predicate.
Definition: hdfchunking.hh:43
void opt_chunks_target(Cont &chunks, double bytes_target, const hsize_t typesize, const unsigned int CHUNKSIZE_MAX, const unsigned int CHUNKSIZE_MIN, const bool larger_high_dims, const Logger &log)
Optimizes the chunks along all axes to find a good default.
Definition: hdfchunking.hh:113
std::string to_str(const Cont &vec)
Helper function to create a string representation of containers.
Definition: hdfchunking.hh:65
Definition: agent.hh:11