Utopia 2
Framework for studying models of complex & adaptive systems.
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 NItertoolsTools for iterating over collections
 CAgentAn agent is a slightly specialized state container
 CAgent< Traits, Space, std::enable_if_t< Traits::mode !=Update::sync > >Agent specialization for asynchronous update
 CAgent< Traits, Space, std::enable_if_t< Traits::mode==Update::sync > >Agent Specialisation for synchronous update
 CAgentManagerThe agent manager manages the agents living in a model
 CCellA cell is a slightly specialized state container
 CCellManagerManages a physical space, its grid discretization, and cells on that grid
 CEntityAn entity is a slightly specialized state container
 CEntityTraitsThe entity traits struct gathers types to be used for specializing an entity
 CExceptionThe base exception class to derive Utopia-specific exceptions from
 CGotSignalAn exception for when the program should end due to handling of a signal
 CGraphEntityA graph entity is a slightly specialized state container
 CGridThe base class for all grid discretizations used by the CellManager
 CHexagonalGridA grid discretization using hexagonal cells
 Cis_agent_managerMetafunction to determine whether a Manager is an AgentManager
 Cis_cell_managerMetafunction to determine whether a Manager is a CellManager
 CKeyErrorFor access to a dict-like structure with a bad key
 CModelBase class interface for Models using the CRT Pattern
 CModelTypesWrapper struct for defining model class data types
 CNoCustomLinksDefault struct for EntityTraits; use this one if there are no custom links
 COutOfSpaceAn exception class for invalid positions in Utopia::Space
 CParallelExecutionStatic information on the status of parallel execution
 CPseudoParentA class to use at the top level of the model hierarchy as a mock parent
 Crule_invoke_resultHelper class for checking rule signatures and return types
 CSpaceThe Space bundles properties about the physical space a model resides in
 CSquareGridA grid discretization using square cells
 CStateContainerContainer for states
 CStateContainer< StateType, Update::async >State Container specialization for async states
 CStateContainer< StateType, Update::manual >A very simple, default constructible container with public members
 CStateContainer< StateType, Update::sync >State Container specialization for sync states
 CTriangularGridA grid discretization using triangular cells
 CEnvCellStateA non-abstract EnvCellState, derived from the base class
 CEnvParamA non-abstract EnvParam, derived from the base class