Configuring Simulations#

For a general overview regarding configuration, see Configuring Simulation Runs. For reading configuration keys in the model, see the model configuration FAQs.

How can I find the available model parameters?#

The base configuration documents a lot of parameters directly in the configuration file; see here. For the model configuration, the model documentation usually includes the default configuration; for example, take a look at the ForestFire Model.

What’s with all these YAML !tags? What can I use them for?#

YAML tags are really cool! You’ve probably already discovered the !sweep tag, which is used to define a parameter sweep dimension. Another example is !param, used to mark parameters that need to be validated before a simulation run. When reading YAML files, the frontend can attach certain functionality to entries that are labelled with a !tag. Throughout Utopia (and its dependencies, dantro and paramspace), this functionality is used to make it more convenient to define configuration entries.

Which other tags are available?#

Quite a bunch. The example below demonstrates them:

# --- Simple calculations ---------------------------------------------------
# Allowed symbols: whitespace, numbers, dot, +-/*, **, (), eE
fourtytwo:       !expr 6. * 7
seconds_per_day: !expr 60 * 60 * 24
powers:          !expr 2**10
parentheses:     !expr (2 + 3) * 4 / (5 - 6)
exp_notation:    !expr (2.34 / 3.45) * 1e-10

# --- List generation -------------------------------------------------------
# Generate an integer-filled list using:  list(range(*args))
list_foo: !listgen [10]             # == [0, 1, 2, ..., 9]
list_bar: !listgen [4, 20, 2]       # == [4, 6, 8, ..., 18]

# Can also specify more advanced arguments to control the list's content
list_fancy: !listgen                # == [0, 10]
  from_range: [0, 100, 10]
  append: [0, 25, 50, 75, 100]      # append these to the list
  remove: [0]                       # remove _all_ occurences of these
  unique: true                      # removes duplicates, here: 50
  sort: true                        # whether to sort the list, default: true
# NOTE The arguments are always applied in the same order:
#      from_range, append, remove, unique, sort (default: true)

# Nesting is also possible!
list_nested: !listgen               # == [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80]
  from_range: [0, 11, 2]
  append: !listgen [0, 100, 20]
  unique: true

# --- Boolean logic with !any and !all --------------------------------------
will_be_true:  !any [false, false, true]
will_be_false: !all [true, false, true, false]

# These are useful to combine with YAML anchors
flag1: &flag1 true
flag2: &flag2 false
flag3: &flag3 true

  enabled: !all [*flag1, *flag2, *flag3]

# And they can also be nested:
  enabled: !any
    - !all [*flag1, *flag2]
    - *flag3

There are some Python-only tags, which create Python objects that have no equivalent on C++-side. Make sure to not specify them inside your run or model config, but only in your evaluation config.

# NOTE All tags below cannot be used to pass information to the model, as
#      they will create Python objects that have no equivalent in C++.
#      However, they can be useful for the plotting of model runs.
# Can also specify Python NaN and INFs ...
some_nan:  !expr NaN                 # creates np.nan
some_inf:  !expr inf                 # == np.inf
some_ninf: !expr -inf                # == - np.inf

# Create a Python range.       !range == range(*args)
one_range:     !range [10]          # == range(10)
another_range: !range [5, 20, 2]    # == range(5, 20, 2)

# Create a Python slice,       !slice == slice(*args)
empty_slice:   !slice [~]           # == slice(None), i.e. [:]
some_slice:    !slice [5, ~]        # == slice(5, None), i.e. [5:]


Make sure to check out the paramspace docs for more YAML tags, which e.g. allow evaluating simple boolean operations or format strings.