Batch Framework#

Most of the Utopia frontend focusses on making a single simulation or evaluation run as easy and configurable as possible, because working on the level of the individual simulation is the most frequent use case. When working with multiple simulations, Utopia can be of help as well: the Batch Framework allows defining and performing multiple tasks all from the comfort of a single so-called “batch configuration file”, or batch file. This batch file can be used to define so-called eval and run tasks, corresponding to evaluation and running of simulations, respectively.


run tasks are not implemented yet!


🚧 This guide needs to be updated for use with utopya v1; some information may be outdated!

Batch Configuration#


A batch file may look like this:

    # Default values that are used in all `eval` tasks and may be overwritten
    # in the individual task definitions.
      model_name: SEIRD

    # Evaluation tasks are defined here:
      # A task to create density and phase diagrams from the SEIRD model
        # Define the run directory from which to load the data
#       run_dir: YYMMDD-HHMMSS  # <timestamp>_<note> of the simulation output to load

        # Arguments to PlotManager.plot_from_cfg
        plot_only: [densities, phase_diagram/*]
          # Change title of densities plot
                title: SEIRD Model Densities

        # All other arguments are passed to `Model.create_frozen_mv` and can
        # for instance be used to further configure the PlotManager.

      # A task to create spatial plots from the SEIRD model
#       run_dir: YYMMDD-HHMMSS
        plot_only: [CA]

        # ...

      # A task that defines a custom plot, right here in the task configuration
#       run_dir: YYMMDD-HHMMSS

        # Instead of using default plots (`plots_cfg: ~`), define a new one:
            based_on: phase_diagram

            # ...

In the above example, two evaluation tasks are defined, densities and spatial, each loading data from some run_dir within the Utopia output directory and performing a subset of plots on that data. To perform these tasks, simply invoke the Utopia CLI:

utopia batch path/to/batch_file.yml

You will see some log output that is similar to that of calling utopia run, indicating how far batch processing has proceeded. Each of the tasks will run in its own process, thereby naively parallelizing the batch tasks; see Parallelization for more information.

The output is then stored in the so-called batch output directory. By default, this is a directory within ~/utopia_output/_batch that contains the timestamp of the current batch call. In that directory, backups of all involved configuration files, log outputs, and other meta-data for the batch tasks are stored.

While run task results will end up in the regular Utopia output directory under the specified model name, eval task results end up inside the batch directory, in a separate subdirectory for each task. For a more detailed overview and configuration options, see Batch Output.

Update Scheme#

The batch configuration consists of four layers:

  1. utopya default values, see Default Batch Configuration (the “base configuration”)

  2. The user-specific defaults

  3. The batch file, specified via batch_cfg_path in the CLI

  4. Runtime update values, e.g. the debug CLI option

As with the Multiverse meta-configuration, these dict-like configuration trees are updated recursively, starting from the first level. The resulting batch configuration and the involved files are backed up to {batch_out_dir}/{timestamp}/config.


If you have the feeling that some configuration key is not taken into account, inspecting this file may help you figure out if it ended up in the wrong place without raising an error.

User-specific batch framework defaults#

The user-specific batch configuration is akin to the user configuration of the Multiverse meta-configuration, where often-used default values (e.g. for the worker_manager) can be set. To set values, either directly edit the ~/.config/utopia/batch.yml file or use the CLI:

utopia config batch --set worker_manager.num_workers=-1 --get


This file should not be used to define tasks, as these would be carried out every time.

Batch Output#

This section details the output directory structure and shows how to configure it to suit your needs. First, let’s introduce some terminology:

  • Batch directory or batch output directory refers to the directory where batch task meta-data and output are stored.

    • By default, this is ~/utopia_output/_batch

    • It can be configured by the paths.out_dir option

  • The batch run directory is the timestamped directory in the batch directory that is created when calling utopia batch.

    • It has the format YYMMDD-HHMMSS, potentially with the paths.note as a suffix, i.e. YYMMDD-HHMMSS_{note}.

    • It serves as a backup of the used configuration files and stores log output.

    • This is not to be confused with the output of a run task (which denotes a simulation run invoked via a batch task).

  • The evaluation output directory is where output of evaluation tasks is written to.

The default folder structure will thus look something like this:

├─┬ utopia_output
  ├── ...                              # other Utopia output
  └─┬ _batch                           # The "batch output directory"
    ├─┬ 201221-094542                  # One "batch run directory"
      ├─┬ config                       # Backup of the batch configuration
        ├── batch_cfg.yml
        ├── batch_file.yml
        ├── update_cfg.yml
        └─┬ tasks                      # Backup of each task configuration
          ├── eval_{task_name}.yml
          └── ...
      ├─┬ eval                         # (Default) output of evaluation tasks
        ├─┬ {task_name}                # Output from one specific task
          └── ...
        └── ...
      ├─┬ logs                         # Logging output from each task
        ├── eval_{task_name}.log
        └── ...
      └── _report.txt                  # The batch report file
    └── ...

Some general remarks:

  • The batch directory will always be created when utopia batch is invoked, as it stores the meta-data and log files.

  • Output of run tasks will be stored to the regular ~/utopia_output directory (or whichever directory you configured as default).

  • If the output of evaluation tasks is stored in a custom directory, the eval subdirectory within the batch run directory will still be created but remain empty.


When running batch evaluation tasks, the output will not be stored alongside the simulation data (as it would be if generated via the utopia eval command) but within the batch run directory or in the custom evaluation output directory.

The reasoning behind this is that otherwise a batch evaluation would lead to files being created in several places at once, which may be confusing.

Custom batch directory#

If you changed the default Utopia output directory (~/utopia_output), you might also want to change the location of the batch output directory. This can be done conveniently via the user-specific configuration, or the utopia config CLI command:

utopia config batch --set paths.out_dir=~/my/custom/batch_out_dir --get

Custom evaluation output directory#

For evaluation tasks, it might be desirable to put the output into a custom directory (e.g. my_thesis/figures) rather than into the default batch output directory. To do so, add the following key to the task_defaults.eval entry:

    out_dir: "~/path/to/my_thesis/figures/{task_name:}"

This will put all task output into that directory, sorted under their names.

Other available keys for that format string are model_name and timestamp, where timestamp refers to the time of the utopia batch invocation.


Be aware that writing to the same directory may lead to FileExistsErrors for the plot configurations that are saved alongside each plot or for the creation of the output directory. You will need to adjust the DataManager and PlotManager configurations accordingly:

        # Allow that the data directory may already exist
        exist_ok: true

      # Allow config files to be overwritten
      cfg_exists_action: overwrite_nowarn

      # For each creator, allow that individual plot files may
      # already exist, thus *not prohibiting* overwriting
            exist_ok: true
            exist_ok: true

You can also set plot_manager.save_plot_cfg: false to disable writing plot configuration files altogether.


The batch framework can create several symlinks to improve navigation between directories related to a certain task. For example, this can help with retrieving the configuration options that were used to create the output, e.g. when using a custom output directory.

To control this option, use the create_symlinks option in each task configuration.

The following symlinks are created:

  • From the evaluation output directory to the batch task configuration

  • From the evaluation output directory to the run directory of the selected simulation

  • From the eval directory in the run directory of the selected simulation to the custom evaluation output directory

  • If a custom evaluation output directory is used:

    • A link is added to the default evaluation output directory within the batch run directory, pointing to the custom one.

    • A link is added from the custom output directory to the batch run directory.


If using synchronization tools for file syncing between hosts, the above procedure may be problematic. In case the synchronization tool is not able to properly handle symlink loops, either configure it to not follow symlinks or try disabling this option:

    create_symlinks: false


Batch tasks are being worked on in parallel using the WorkerManager. Each task creates its own process, loading the utopya module and working on the given instructions separately from every other task.

The parallelization level may be controlled by the parallelization_level configuration option:

  • batch parallelization (the default) means that the batch tasks are being worked on in parallel while the individual tasks are meant to use only a single CPU core.

  • task parallelization means that the batch tasks are worked on sequentially, leaving parallelization to the individual tasks.

Under the hood, each task is worked in a separate multiprocessing.Process, which is handled by MPProcessTask. Independent of the platform, processes are created with the spawn method, thus making them fully independent from the parent process. There is no option to share memory between processes; this would be too difficult and the speedup would most probably evaporate.


Keep a lookout for memory usage of utopia batch: running multiple memory-hungry evaluation tasks in parallel can lead to trouble! In such a case, consider setting a different parallelization_level.


  • To disable individual tasks, add the enabled: false key.

  • Tasks can be associated with a priority, where a lower value means that the tasks will be worked on first.

  • Use the debug option (on the root level of the batch configuration) to let a failing task lead to the stopping of all other tasks. Otherwise, a failing batch task will only lead to a warning in the output log.

  • Typically, stream forwarding does not make sense with multiple tasks running at the same time because the log would become garbled. To still enable it in batch parallelization mode, set worker_kwargs.forward_streams: true.