Configuring Simulation Runs#

Utopia has one important and wide-ranging premise when it comes to the configuration of simulations: everything should be configurable, but nothing need be. In other words, you should be able to have full control over all the parameters that are used in a simulation, but there should be reasonable defaults for all of them such that you don’t have to specify them. Ideally, you only specify those parameters you want to change and rely on the defaults for everything else.

The above philosophy applies to both


The focus of this page is the Multiverse configuration. For details on the plot configuration hierarchy, refer to the corresponding documentation page.

This flexibility is realised using a set of different configuration levels. The many different ways to adjust the configuration might be overwhelming at first, but rest assured: these options are all there for a reason, and you can benefit greatly from them. In the following we will delve into the different options.

Hierarchy of Multiverse Configuration Levels#

To achieve the aforementioned goal, Utopia uses a hierarchy of configuration levels. For good usability, it is vital to provide reasonable defaults for the Multiverse configuration, while also allowing high flexibility. To that end, the Multiverse successively updates a base configuration the configuration layers to arrive at the Multiverse’s meta configuration:

  • Base configuration: the base layer with a large number of default values, specified in utopya and shown below.

  • Framework configuration: an update layer that is specific to the framework a model is used in, here: the Utopia Multiverse configuration.

  • Project configuration: if using Utopia with a separate models repository, that repository can also provide defaults. Within Utopia itself, the project configuration is not used.

  • Model configuration: model-specific defaults

    • Defined alongside the respective models, typically as <model_name>_cfg.yml file.

    • Provides defaults not for the whole meta configuration but only for the respective model’s entry at parameter_space.<model_name>.

    • Allows validating model parameters.

  • User configuration: user- or machine-specific updates to the above

    • Does not exist by default; see utopia config user --help for more information.

    • Always used, regardless of the model.

    • Note: The user configuration should never contain model-specific parameters!

  • Run configuration: updates for a specific simulation run

    • This may also come from a run.yml file as part of a model’s configuration set.

  • Temporary changes: additional updates given via the Utopia CLI

    • If you call utopia run --help you can find a list of some useful ways to adjust some parameters.

    • For example, with --num-steps <NUMSTEPS> you can specify how many time steps the model should iterate.


Each update happens recursively (, such that all parts of the hierarchically organized configuration can be overwritten.


If using Utopia from a separate models repository, defaults can be defined on the project level as well.

Combining all these levels creates the so-called meta configuration, which contains all parameters needed for a simulation run. It is assembled by starting from the lowest level, the base configuration, and recursively updating all entries in the configuration with the entries from the next level.

The individual files and the resulting meta configuration are also :ref:` stored alongside your output data <mv_cfg_backup>`, such that all the parameters are in one place. The stored meta configuration file can also be used as the run configuration for a new simulation run, simply by passing it to utopia run.

This can be a little bit confusing at first, but don’t worry: the section below gives a more detailed description of the different use cases.

Configuration backup#

All of the involved configuration files above are backed-up into the config directory of a model run’s output directory.

This can be controlled by the backups key of the meta-configuration:

Repository information#

In addition to the configuration files, the Multiverse stores the current state of the framework and project repositories. This allows to better reconstruct the state of the project a simulation run was carried out at.

The repository status is stored in the following files:

  • config/git_info_{project,framework}.yml contains the name, hash, message, and branch of the latest commit.

  • config/git_diff_{project,framework}.patch file stores the difference of the repository state towards the latest commit using the git patch syntax (i.e. the output of git diff --patch).


The Utopia frontend has no power over the build process; while the repo information may be stored, it will only match the behavior of your model if you have also built it in that state of the repository.

Configuration sets#

Typically, a model’s default configuration is only one of many scenarios one wants to investigate. Configuration sets allow to define additional run configuration files alongside with their plots configuration and make them conveniently accessible via the CLI.

The following command will invoke a ForestFire model simulation with the run and plots configuration specified in that config set:

utopia run ForestFire --cfg-set p_lightning_sweep

A config set is simply a directory containing a run.yml file and/or an eval.yml file. In the above example, the directory’s name is multiverse_example and it contains both of these files. If one of the files is missing, the respective defaults will be used.


The CLI still accepts a run configuration or plots configuration path, which will have precedence over the files defined via the config set.

Under the hood, the Model class searches for these config sets, making it accessible for interactive use via get_config_set() and get_config_sets().

Here, however, we will focus on use via the CLI.

Search procedure#

When specifying a config set with some name, say my_config_set, the get_config_set() method is invoked. It first looks for all available configuration sets and then selects the one with the specified name.

The following directories will be searched for subdirectories with name my_config_set:

  • If the given name can be resolved to the path of an existing directory, that directory

  • Any additionally specified directories in the utopya configuration

  • The cfgs directory in the model’s source directory, in this case: .../src/utopia/models/ForestFire/cfgs

The search takes place in that order and stops once a matching config set is found.


If using get_config_sets() to retrieve all available configuration sets, there will appear warnings if config sets with the same name are found in different search locations.

Config sets with the same name are not merged.

The cfgs directory#

This directory is typically created by a model developer, e.g. to provide example configurations. If you are a model developer, simply create a directory called cfgs and add your config set directories to it. (In this case that would be cfgs/my_config_set/run.yml and …/eval.yml.)

User-specified search directories#

There can also be user-specified config set search directories, which is useful if you do not have access to or don’t want to modify the model source directory.

As the search is carried out by utopya, these search directories can be specified in ~/.config/utopya/utopya_cfg.yml (sic). If such a file does not exist on your machine, create it and add a config_set_search_dirs key, which lists the directories you want to additionally search. This may look as follows:

# ~/.config/utopya/utopya_cfg.yml
  - ~/utopia_cfgs/{model_name:}
  - /more/config_sets/{model_name:}

Notice the (optional) {model_name:} placeholder, which is automatically resolved to the current model’s name.


The directories will be searched in the order given there. If config sets with the same name appear in multiple search directories, the former ones will have precedence.

Local search directories#

Additionally, a local path may also be specified during search, for example:

utopia run MyModel --cfg-set my/extra/cfg_sets/foo

This will add my/extra/cfg_sets as the last search directory and specify foo as the desired name, thus yielding the local config set.

The argument may also be absolute or include ~, which is then expanded to the current user’s home directory.


Under the hood, every argument to --cfg-set will be checked for whether it is a path to an existing directory. Only if that is the case, the parent directory will be searched.

See available config sets#

To see the names of available config sets for each model, use:

utopia models info ForestFire

Where to specify changes#

Multiverse configuration#

Short Answer#

If in doubt, use the run configuration (you can specify everything there) or CLI arguments.

Longer Answer#

Changes to the defaults can be specified in the user configuration, the run configuration, and via the CLI.

To decide where to specify your changes, think about the frequency with which you change the parameter and whether the change relates to a model-specific parameter or one that configures the framework.

Going through the following questions might be helpful:

  • Is the change temporary, e.g. for a single simulation run?

    • Yes: Ideally, specify it via the CLI. If there are too many temporary changes, use the run configuration.

    • No: Continue below.

  • Is the change independent of a model, e.g. the number of CPUs to use?

    • Yes: Use the user-configuration.

    • No: The parameter is model-specific; use the run configuration.


The base and model configurations provide default values; these configuration files are not meant to be changed, but should reflect a certain set of persistent defaults.

Of course, during model development, you as a model developer will change the default model configuration, e.g. when adding additional dynamics that require a new parameter.


Have a look at the corresponding FAQ section for more information.

Plot configuration#

For the plotting configuration, remember:

  • Put shared definitions into the base plots configuration file, <model_name>_base_plots.yml.

  • In the <model_name>_plots.yml file or a config set’s eval.yml only specify those options that deviate from the default or that should better be explicitly specified.

  • Make use of the plot configuration inheritance feature… but do not built too complex inheritance schemes.