
There are two options for plotting heatmaps: For general heatmaps, .plot.facet_grid with kind: pcolormesh offers many possibilities. In the case of cellular automata (CA) time series data, there is a specialized plot function: .plot.ca.


On this page, you will see how to

  • use .plot.facet_grid with kind: pcolormesh to plot heatmaps and spatially two-dimensional plots.

  • use .plot.ca to create plots of cellular automata (CA).

  • adjust the style and coloring of your plots.

  • animate your heatmaps based on pcolormesh by passing a frames key.

  • animate your heatmaps based on .plot.ca, with more details in the section on animations.

Plotting heatmaps with pcolormesh#

Let’s look at the pcolormesh-based approach first:

    - .creator.universe            # or .creator.multiverse
    - .plot.facet_grid.pcolormesh  # short for `kind: pcolormesh`

  # further entries here ...

For instance, let us plot the age of each tree in the ForestFire model at the final time step:

    - .creator.universe
    - .plot.facet_grid.pcolormesh

  # Select the age of the trees at time = -1
      path: age
        - .isel: [!dag_prev , {time: -1}]

  x: x

Notice that we need to select a time step in the select section of the config. This produces a plot like this:

The Forest age from pcolormesh

The x key is optional, but makes sure that the x-dimension is plotted on the x-axis (and not the y-axis). As this is a facet_grid() plot, we can specify further axes onto which to plot data: pcolormesh supports the following encodings:

  • x: the x-axis

  • y: the y-axis

  • row: the rows of the facet grid

  • col: the columns of the facet grid

  • frames: animation frames

For instance, you can drop the transform argument in the above configuration, thereby selecting all time steps, and plot the time variable as the frames of an animation. If you do this, you must additionally base your plot on an animation base plot, e.g. .animation.ffmpeg:


  # Also include .animation.ffmpeg (or .animation.frames)
    - .creator.universe
    - .plot.facet_grid.pcolormesh
    - .animation.ffmpeg              # or .animation.frames for PDF frames

    data: age

  x: x
  frames: time

We will discuss animations in more detail in the animations section.

Changing the appearance#

Use the PlotHelper (see here) to set titles, axis labels, scales, annotations, and much more.


With the dantro ColorManager, adjusting the colormap is easy: Just add a cmap key to the plot configuration. You can define your own continuous or discrete colormap right from the configuration:


  # Everything as before ...

  # Add this to the above configuration:
    continuous: true
      0: crimson
      0.5: gold
      1: dodgerblue

Take a look at the style section for more details. Alternatively, you can set a predefined matplotlib or seaborn colormap.

Plotting 2D states with .plot.ca#

Equally capable is the .plot.ca plot function (implemented in utopya), which is optimized for plotting two-dimensional cellular automata, such as the grid-based Utopia SEIRD and ForestFire models.

To plot a snapshot of a two-dimensional state, base your plot on .plot.ca and include the .plot.ca.snapshot modifier. You can specify the time of the snapshot with the frames_isel argument (-1 by default). Here is an example for the ForestFire model, using the age variable:

    - .creator.universe
    - .plot.ca
    - .plot.ca.snapshot

    age: data/ForestFire/age

  frames_isel: -1  # last frame

      title: Forest Age
      cmap: YlGn

This will produce something like this:

The Forest age from .plot.ca

Just like pcolormesh, .plot.ca supports animations. To animate, simply remove the .plot.ca.snapshot reference in the above code. You do not need to add an animation base plot, since this is already part of .plot.ca. More details on this are given in the animations article.

Hexagonal grids#

Aside from the typically used square grid discretizations, the Utopia CellManager supports a hexagonal discretization as well. For some model dynamics, the grid discretization can have an effect on the behavior, e.g. because all neighbors are at an equal distance (unlike with a Moore neighborhood in a square grid).

Correspondingly, the utopya.eval.plots.ca.caplot() invoked by .plot.ca has support to visualize hexagonal grids. By default, there is nothing you need to do: The grid structure and its properties are stored alongside the data and the underlying imshow_hexagonal() plotting function reads that metadata to generate the appropriate visualization. In effect, the same .plot.ca-configurations used above are also valid for hexagonal grid structure.

Let’s say we have told the model’s CellManager to use a hexagonal grid, e.g. as is done in the hex_grid config set of the SEIRD model:

utopia run SEIRD --cs hex_grid

The resulting ca/state plot will create output like this.

A hexagonal SEIRD grid visualized by .plot.ca

For more information on available visualization options, see caplot().


Have a look at the grid_structure_sweep config set to compare the effect of the different discretizations on the SEIRD model.


The underlying function to draw the hexagons, imshow_hexagonal(), is also available for use in facet grid by setting kind: imshow_hexagonal or using the .plot.facet_grid.imshow_hexagonal base configuration.

    - .creator.universe
    - .plot.facet_grid.imshow_hexagonal

  # ...