Multiverse Base Configuration#

This page documents the default values for the configuration of the Multiverse class, a central element for running simulations using Utopia. The configuration is meant to contain all information that is needed to run a simulation; have a look at Configuring Simulation Runs for a more detailed motivation.

For higher flexibility, the configuration is built up from a number of individual layers and can be adjusted at multiple points. Below, you will both find details of the update scheme as well as the default values for certain configuration layers. See Hierarchy of Multiverse Configuration Levels for more information.

utopya Multiverse base configuration#

The utopya Multiverse base configuration provides a large number of defaults and, at the same time, is meant to be self-documenting, thus allowing to see which parameters are available.

# This file provides the basic configuration for the utopya Multiverse
# It is read in by the Multiverse during initialization and is subsequently
# updated by other configuration files to generate the meta configuration of
# the Multiverse, which determines all details of how a run is performed.
# The top-level keys here are used to configure different parts of Multiverse:
#   - properties of the Multiverse itself: `paths`, `perform_sweep`
#   - properties of attributes: `worker_manager`, `run_kwargs`, ...
#   - and the parameter space that is passed on to the model instance
# NOTE that this configuration file documents some features in the comments.
#      This cannot be exhaustive. Check the docstrings of the functions for
#      further information.
# Multiverse configuration ....................................................
# Output paths
  # base output directory
  out_dir: ~/utopya_output

  # model note is added to the output directory path
  model_note: ~

  # From the two above, the run directory will be created at:
  #     <out_dir>/<model_name>/<timestamp>-<model_note>/
  # Subfolders will be:  config, eval, data

# Control of the backup of files that belong to a simulation
  # Whether to save all involved config files granularly, i.e. one by one.
  # If false, only the resulting meta_cfg is saved to the config subdirectory.
  backup_cfg_files: true

  # Whether to save the executable
  backup_executable: false

  # Whether to store git information of the project (and framework)
  include_git_info: true

# Control of the model executable
  # Whether to copy the executable to a temporary directory at the
  # initialization of the Multiverse and execute it from there. This way,
  # accidental changes to the executable _during_ a simulation are prevented.
  run_from_tmpdir: true

# Whether to perfom a parameter sweep
# Is evaluated by the method
perform_sweep: false
# NOTE This will be ignored if run_single or run_sweep are called directly.
#      Also, the `parameter_space` key (see below) will need to span at least
#      a volume of 1 in order to be sweep-able.

# Whether to perform parameter validation
# For large sweeps, validation can take quite some time. For such scenarios, it
# might make sense to disable parameter validation by setting this to false.
perform_validation: true

# Parameters that are to be validated
# This is a mapping of key sequence -> Parameter object
parameters_to_validate: {}

# Reporter ....................................................................
# The Multiverse owns a Reporter object to report on the progress of the
# WorkerManager. Part of its configuration happens using its init kwargs, which
# are defined in the following.
# The rest of the configuration happens on the WorkerManager-side (see there).
  # Define report formats, which are accessible, e.g. from the WorkerManager
    progress_bar:                     # Name of the report format specification
      parser: progress_bar            # The parser to use
      write_to: stdout_noreturn       # The writer to use
      min_report_intv: 0.5            # Required time (in s) between writes

      # -- All further kwargs on this level are passed to the parser
      # Terminal width for the progress bar
      # Can also be `adaptive` (poll each time), or `fixed` (poll once)
      num_cols: adaptive

      # The format string to use for progress information
      # Available keys:
      #   - `total_progress` (in %)
      #   - `active_progress` (mean progress of _active_ simulations, in %)
      #   - `cnt` (dict of counters: `total`, `finished`, `active`)
      info_fstr: "{total_progress:>5.1f}% "
      # Example of how to access counters in format string:
      # info_fstr: "finished {cnt[finished]}/{cnt[total]} "

      # Whether to show time information alongside the progress bar
      show_times: true

      # How to display time information.
      # Available keys: `elapsed`, `est_left`, `est_end`, `start`, `now`
      # (see `times` parser for more information)
      times_fstr: "| {elapsed:>7s} elapsed | ~{est_left:>7s} left "
      times_fstr_final: "| finished in {elapsed:} "
        # How to compute the estimated time left to finish the work session
        # Available modes:
        #   - `from_start`:  extrapolates from progress made since start
        #   - `from_buffer`: uses a buffer to store recent progress
        #                    information and use the oldest value for
        #                    making the estimate; see `progress_buffer_size`
        mode: from_buffer

        # Number of records kept for computing ETA in `from_buffer` mode.
        # This is in units of parser invocations, so goes back *at least* a
        # a time interval of `min_report_intv * progress_buffer_size`.
        # If the reporter is called less frequently (e.g. because of a larger
        # model-side `monitor_emit_interval`), this interval will be longer.
        progress_buffer_size: 90

    # Creates a report file containing runtime statistics
      parser: report
          path: _report.txt
      min_report_intv: 10             # don't update this one too often
      min_num: 4                      # min. number of universes for statistics
      show_individual_runtimes: true  # for large number of universes, disable
      task_label_singular: universe
      task_label_plural: universes

    # Creates a parameter sweep information file
      parser: pspace_info
          path: _sweep_info.txt
          skip_if_empty: true
          lvl: 18
          skip_if_empty: true
      fstr: "Sweeping over the following parameter space:\n\n{sweep_info:}"

  # Can define a default format to use
  # default_format: ~

# Worker Manager ..............................................................
# Initialization arguments for the WorkerManager
  # Specify how many processes work in parallel
  num_workers: auto
  # can be: an int, 'auto' (== #CPUs). For values <= 0: #CPUs - num_workers

  # Delay between polls [seconds]
  poll_delay: 0.05
  # NOTE: If this value is too low, the main thread becomes very busy.
  #       If this value is too high, the log output from simulations is not
  #       read from the line buffer frequently enough.

  # Maximum number of lines to read from each task's stream per poll cycle.
  # Choosing a value that is too large may affect poll performance in cases
  # where the task generates many lines of output.
  # Set to -1 to read *all* available lines from the stream upon each poll.
  lines_per_poll: 20

  # Periodic task callback (in units of poll events). Set None to deactivate.
  periodic_task_callback: ~

  # How to react upon a simulation exiting with non-zero exit code
  nonzero_exit_handling: raise
  # can be: ignore, warn, warn_all, raise
  # warn_all will also warn if the simulation was terminated by the frontend
  # raise will lead to a SystemExit with the error code of the simulation

  # How to handle keyboard interrupts
    # Which signal to send to the workers
    send_signal: SIGINT  # can be any valid signal name
    # NOTE that only SIGINT and SIGTERM lead to a graceful shutdown on C++ side

    # How long to wait for workers to shut down before calling SIGKILL on them
    grace_period: 5.
    # WARNING Choosing a grace period that is shorter than the duration of one
    #         iteration step of your model might lead to corrupted HDF5 data!

    # Whether to exit after working; exit code will be 128 + abs(signum)
    exit: false

  # In which events to save streams *during* the work session
  # May be: `monitor_updated`, `periodic_callback`
  save_streams_on: [monitor_updated]

  # Reporters to invoke at different points of the WorkerManager's operation.
  # Keys refer to events, values are lists of report format names, which can be
  # defined via the WorkerManagerReporter (see `reporter.report_formats` above)
    before_working: [sweep_info]
    while_working: [progress_bar]
    task_spawned: [progress_bar]
    monitor_updated: [progress_bar]
    task_finished: [progress_bar, report_file]
    after_work: [progress_bar, report_file]
    after_abort: [progress_bar, report_file]

# Configuration for the WorkerManager.start_working method
  # Total timeout (in s) of a run; to ignore, set to ~
  timeout: ~

  # A list of StopCondition objects to check during the run _for each worker_.
  # The entries of the following list are OR-connected, i.e. it suffices that
  # one is fulfilled for the corresponding worker to be stopped
  stop_conditions: ~
  # See docs for how to set these up:

# The defaults for the worker_kwargs
# These are passed to the setup function of each WorkerTask before spawning
  # Whether to save the streams of each Universe to a log file
  save_streams: true
  # This file is saved only after the WorkerTask has finished in order to
  # reduce I/O operations on files

  # Whether to forward the streams to stdout
  forward_streams: in_single_run
  # can be: true, false, or 'in_single_run' (print only in single runs)

  # Whether to forward the raw stream output or only those lines that were not
  # parsable to yaml, i.e.: only the lines that came _not_ from the monitor
  forward_raw: true

  # The log level at which the streams should be forwarded to stdout
  streams_log_lvl: ~  # if None, uses print instead of the logging module

  # Arguments to subprocess.Popen
    # The encoding of the streams (STDOUT, STDERR) coming from the simulation.
    # NOTE If your locale is set to some other encoding, or the simulation uses
    #      a custom one, overwrite this value accordingly via the user config.
    encoding: utf8

# Cluster mode configuration ..................................................
# Whether cluster mode is enabled
cluster_mode: false

# Parameters to configure the cluster mode
  # Specify the workload manager to use.
  # The names of environment variables are chosen accordingly.
  manager: slurm   # available:  slurm

  # The environment to look for parameters in. If not given, uses os.environ
  env: ~

  # Specify the name of environment variables for each supported manager
  # The resolved values are available at the top level of the dict that is
  # returned by Multiverse.resolved_cluster_params
      # --- Required variables ---
      # ID of the job
      job_id: SLURM_JOB_ID

      # Number of available nodes
      num_nodes: SLURM_JOB_NUM_NODES

      # List of node names
      node_list: SLURM_JOB_NODELIST

      # Name of the current node
      node_name: SLURMD_NODENAME  # sic!

      # This is used for the name of the run
      timestamp: RUN_TIMESTAMP

      # --- Optional values ---
      # Name of the job
      job_name: SLURM_JOB_NAME

      # Account from which the job is run
      job_account: SLURM_JOB_ACCOUNT

      # Number of processes on current node
      num_procs: SLURM_CPUS_ON_NODE

      # Cluster name
      cluster_name: SLURM_CLUSTER_NAME

      # Custom output directory
      custom_out_dir: UTOPIA_CLUSTER_MODE_OUT_DIR

    # Could have more managers here, e.g.: docker

  # Which parser to use to extract node names from node list
    slurm: condensed  # e.g.: node[002,004-011,016]

  # Which additional info to include into the name of the run directory, i.e.
  # after the timestamp and before the model directory. All information that
  # is extracted from the environment variables is available as keyword
  # argument to format. Should be a sequence of format strings.
  additional_run_dir_fstrs: [ "job{job_id:}" ]

# Data Manager ................................................................
# The DataManager takes care of loading the data into a tree-like structure
# after the simulations are finished.
# It is based on the DataManager class from the dantro package. See there for
# full documentation.
  # Where to create the output directory for this DataManager, relative to
  # the run directory of the Multiverse.
  out_dir: eval/{timestamp:}
  # The {timestamp:} placeholder is replaced by the current timestamp such that
  # future DataManager instances that operate on the same data directory do
  # not create collisions.
  # Directories are created recursively, if they do not exist.

  # Define the structure of the data tree beforehand; this allows to specify
  # the types of groups before content is loaded into them.
  # NOTE The strings given to the Cls argument are mapped to a type using a
  #      class variable of the DataManager
    - path: multiverse
      Cls: MultiverseGroup

  # Where the default tree cache file is located relative to the data
  # directory. This is used when calling DataManager.dump and .restore without
  # any arguments, as done e.g. in the Utopia CLI.
  default_tree_cache_path: data/.tree_cache.d3

  # Supply a default load configuration for the DataManager
  # This can then be invoked using the dm.load_from_cfg() method.
    # Load the frontend configuration files from the config/ directory
    # Each file refers to a level of the configuration that is supplied to
    # the Multiverse: base <- user <- model <- run <- update
      loader: yaml                          # The loader function to use
      glob_str: 'config/*.yml'              # Which files to load
      ignore:                               # Which files to ignore
        - config/parameter_space.yml
        - config/parameter_space_info.yml
        - config/full_parameter_space.yml
        - config/full_parameter_space_info.yml
        - config/git_info_project.yml
        - config/git_info_framework.yml
      required: true                        # Whether these files are required
      path_regex: config/(\w+)_cfg.yml      # Extract info from the file path
      target_path: cfg/{match:}             # ...and use in target path

    # Load the parameter space object into the MultiverseGroup attributes
      loader: yaml_to_object                # Load into ObjectContainer
      glob_str: config/parameter_space.yml
      required: true
      load_as_attr: true
      unpack_data: true                     # ... and store as ParamSpace obj.
      target_path: multiverse

    # Load the configuration files that are generated for _each_ simulation
    # These hold all information that is available to a single simulation and
    # are in an explicit, human-readable form.
      loader: yaml
      glob_str: data/uni*/config.yml
      required: true
      path_regex: data/uni(\d+)/config.yml
      target_path: multiverse/{match:}/cfg
        enabled: true
        min_files: 1000
        min_total_size: 1048576  # 1 MiB

    # Example: Load the binary output data from each simulation.
    # data:
    #   loader: hdf5_proxy
    #   glob_str: data/uni*/data.h5
    #   required: true
    #   path_regex: data/uni(\d+)/data.h5
    #   target_path: multiverse/{match:}/data
    #   enable_mapping: true   # see DataManager for content -> type mapping

    #   # Options for loading data in parallel (speeds up CPU-limited loading)
    #   parallel:
    #     enabled: false

    #     # Number of processes to use; negative is deduced from os.cpu_count()
    #     processes: ~

    #     # Threshold values for parallel loading; if any is below these
    #     # numbers, loading will *not* be in parallel.
    #     min_files: 5
    #     min_total_size: 104857600  # 100 MiB

    # The resulting data tree is then:
    #  └┬ cfg
    #     └┬ base
    #      ├ meta
    #      ├ model
    #      ├ run
    #      └ update
    #   └ multiverse
    #     └┬ 0
    #        └┬ cfg
    #         └ data
    #           └─ ...
    #      ├ 1
    #      ...

# Plot Manager ................................................................
# The PlotManager, also from the dantro package, supplies plotting capabilities
# using the data in the DataManager.
  # Save the plots to the same directory as that of the data manager
  out_dir: ""

  # Whether to raise exceptions for plotting errors. false: only log them
  raise_exc: false

  # How to handle already existing plot configuration files
  cfg_exists_action: raise
  # NOTE If in cluster mode, this value is set to 'skip' by the Multiverse

  # Save all plot configurations alongside the plots
  save_plot_cfg: true

  # Include dantro's base plot configuration pool
  use_dantro_base_cfg_pool: true

  # Base plot configuration pools
  # These specify the base plot configurations that are made available for each
  # model run, updated and extended in the order specified here and themselves
  # based on the dantro base config pool.
  # In some cases, defining additional pools can be useful, e.g. to generate
  # publication-ready output without redundantly defining plots or styles.
  # This is expected to be a list of 2-tuples in form (name, dict or path).
  # If the second entry is a string, it may be a format string and it will have
  # access to `model_name` and the model's `paths` dict.
  # If there is no file available at the given path, will warn about it and use
  # an empty pool for that entry.
  # There are some special keys, which can be used instead of the 2-tuple:
  #   `utopya_base`, `framework_base`, `project_base`, `model_base`
  # These expand to a respective configuration file path, depending on the
  # framework, project, or model that is being used.
    - utopya_base
    - framework_base
    - project_base
    - model_base

  # Initialization arguments for all creators
      figure.figsize: [8., 5.]  # 16:10

  # Can set creator-specific initialization arguments here
    pyplot: {}
    universe: {}
    multiverse: {}

# Parameter Space .............................................................
# Only entries below this one will be available to the model executable.
# The content of the `parameter_space` level is parsed by the frontend and then
# dumped to a file, the path to which is passed to the binary as positional
# argument.
  # Set a default PRNG seed
  seed: 42

  # Number of steps to perform
  num_steps: 3

  # At which step the write_data method should be invoked for the first time
  write_start: 0

  # Starting from write_start, how frequently write_data should be called
  write_every: 1
  # NOTE `write_start` and `write_every` are passed along to sub-models. Every
  #       sub model can overwrite this entry by adding an entry in their model
  #       configuration level (analogous to `log_levels`.)

  # Log levels
  # NOTE The framework may define further levels in here but may also choose
  #      to ignore these entries altogether. The `model` and `backend` keys
  #      are those that are accessible from the utopya CLI.
    model: info

    backend: warning
    # TODO Implement setting this via CLI… perhaps even more general?
    #      Coolest would be: allow frameworks to provide a mapping of each CLI
    #      debug level to an update dict.

  # Monitoring
  # How frequently to send a monitoring message to the frontend; note that the
  # timing needs to be implemented by the model itself
  monitor_emit_interval: 2.

  # The path to the config file to load
  # output_path: /abs/path/to/uni<#>/cfg.yml
  # NOTE This entry is always added by the frontend. Depending on which
  #      universe is to be simulated, the <#> is set.

  # Below here, the model configuration starts, i.e. the config that is used by
  # a model instance. It's meant to be nested under the model name itself and
  # a node of that name will always be added.
  # <model_name>:
    # ... more parameters ...

Utopia Multiverse configuration#

Utopia’s Multiverse base configuration recursively updates the above. It adjusts and expands the configuration to specialize for use with Utopia as a modelling framework:

  • Put output into ~/utopia_output.

  • Configure HDF5 data loading, because all Utopia models need that.

  • Set defaults within parameter_space that are expected on C++ side.

For Utopia, this configuration (at python/utopia_mv_cfg) takes the place of the framework configuration in the update scheme.

# The Utopia framework's Multiverse framework-level configuration
# This recursively updates the utopya base configuration.
# Output directory configuration
  out_dir: ~/utopia_output

# Data loading configuration
    # Configure the DataManager to load the HDF5 simulation data as proxies
      loader: hdf5_proxy
      glob_str: data/uni*/data.h5
      required: true
      path_regex: data/uni(\d+)/data.h5
      target_path: multiverse/{match:}/data
      enable_mapping: true   # see DataManager for content -> type mapping

      # Options for loading data in parallel (speeds up CPU-limited loading)
        enabled: false

        # Number of processes to use; negative is deduced from os.cpu_count()
        processes: ~

        # Threshold values for parallel loading; if any is below these
        # numbers, loading will *not* be in parallel.
        min_files: 5
        min_total_size: 104857600  # 100 MiB

  # --- End of load configuration

# Plotting configuration
      figure.figsize: [8., 5.]  # (16:10 instead of 4:3)

# Default parameter space configuration
# This extends the utopya defaults and/or explicitly specifies those
# parameters that are required by the Utopia C++ backend.
  # Default PRNG seed
  seed: 42

  # Time stepping defaults
  num_steps: 100
  write_start: 0
  write_every: 1
  # NOTE `write_start` and `write_every` are passed along to sub-models. Every
  #       sub model can overwrite this entry by adding an entry in their model
  #       configuration level (analogous to `log_levels`.)

  # How frequently to emit monitoring information
  monitor_emit_interval: 2.

  # Parallel features of Utopia (need appropriate dependencies installed)
    enabled: false

  # Default logging pattern and level defaults
  log_pattern: "[%T.%e] [%^%l%$] [%n]  %v"
    # backend: core, data I/O, and DataManager (in WriteMode::managed)
    core: warning
    data_io: warning
    data_mngr: warning

    # root model: inherited by sub-models if they don't set their own log level
    model: info

  # File mode to use for the output HDF5 file
  output_file_mode: w