Step-by-step Guide#

After having worked through the README, the tutorial, and (optionally) the workflow, this guide is for creating a new model in Utopia.

If you go through all the steps, you will end up with a model that can profit from all Utopia features, but doesn’t really do anything terribly interesting yet. It is merely a starting point for your own expedition into the Utopia world. You will be the one who afterwards defines the rules, entities etc. of that world.

To that end, there are three models supplied that can be used as a basis for new models: the so-called CopyMe models. They not only showcase some Utopia functionality, but also provide good starting conditions for different scenarios:

  • CopyMeGrid: a basic Cellular Automaton model.

    • Already includes the CellManager.

    • Recommended if you want to work with a Cellular Automaton.

  • CopyMeGraph: a basic graph model.

    • Already includes a graph and example functionality.

    • Recommended if you want to work with a graph.

  • CopyMeBare: the bare basics. Really.

    • Recommended if you do not need a cellular automaton or a graph.

    • Recommended if you are proficient with Utopia.

You should now decide with which model you want to start with. This could be one of the above CopyMe models, but of course you can also take a pre-implemented model and adapt it to your needs.

⚠️ Important: In the following, you will need to replace all mentions of CopyMe with the name of your own model.

Model development in docker image

You can use the Utopia docker image for model development. Follow the instructions given there to find out how.

Choosing a name for your model#

This is the point where you should decide on the name of your new Utopia model.

For the purpose of this guide, we assume you want to implement a model called YourModelName. Probably, you will give it a more suitable name. So, keep in mind to replace every YourModelName below with the actual model name.


Utopia has a naming convention for models. Your model name should consist of words that start with Capital Letters and are DirectlyConcatenatedWithoutSeparatingSymbols.

Also, you should not include the Model string into the name, e.g.: you should name your model ForestFire rather than ForestFireModel (so YourModelName is actually not the best example ;) ).

Setting Up The Infrastructure#

Ok, let’s get started by setting up the model infrastructure. If you wish to use one of the pre-implemented models as a basis for your new model, Utopia provides a command to do all the copying, renaming of files, and refactoring of file content:

(utopia-env) $ utopia models copy ModelToCopy --new-name YourModelName --dry-run

Replace YourModelName with whatever you wish to call your model, and you’re ready to go! The --dry-run flag will first show a preview of what would be copied; remove that flag only when you have checked that the effect is as intended.


The command above will prompt for a target project to copy the model to.

  • If you want to copy into the Utopia project, specify Utopia.

  • If you want your new model in your own models repository, see Setting up a separate repository for models. After having set up that repository, come back here to continue and use the chosen project name in the prompt, e.g. UtopiaModelsEvolution.

The copying tool creates new directories inside src/utopia/models (or the corresponding directory in your own models repository) and copies model files there, applying a number of replacements. In addition, the files from python/model_plots and python/model_tests are copied following an equivalent procedure.

See utopia models copy --help for more usage information.

Having done that, you can skip the manual copying description below and continue with Adapting your code.

Copying Models Manually#

If you want, you can also do these steps manually: go through the following points from top to bottom, and first read the entire instructions for one step before starting to carry it out. Here, CopyMe refers to the model you wish to copy:

  1. Navigate to the src/utopia/models directory inside the utopia repository, duplicate the CopyMe directory of your choice, and rename it to the name of your model (YourModelName above).

  2. Rename all the files inside of the newly created directory such that all occurrences of CopyMe are replaced by YourModelName.

for file in CopyMe*; do mv $file ${file/CopyMe/YourModelName}; done
  1. Tell Utopia that there is a new model, e.g. include your model in the Utopia CMake build routine:

  • In src/utopia/models/, you will find a CMakeLists.txt file. Open it and let CMake find your model directory by including the command: add_subdirectory(YourModelName).

  • In src/utopia/models/YourModelName/, there is another CMakeLists.txt file. Open it and change the line add_model(CopyMe to add_model(YourModelName With this command, you are telling CMake to keep track of a new model.

  1. In in the src/utopia/models/YourModelName/ directory, replace every CopyMe with YourModelName. In YourModelName.hh, replace every CopyMe by YourModelName and every COPYME by YOURMODELNAME.

  2. Do the same in the YourModelName_plots.yml, YourModelName_base_plots.yml, and YourModelName_cfg.yml files.

  3. Now check if everything works as desired. For that, enter the build directory and run cmake ... Check that the CMake log contains Registered model target: YourModelName. Now execute make YourModelName.

  • Are there errors? Then check that you adjusted everything as described above.

  • Building succeeds? Congratulations! 🎉

  1. Use the command line interface to run the model:

cd build
source ./activate
utopia run YourModelName

If everything works, let’s continue with setting up the testing and plotting framework. You can set up a simple Python testing framework in the following way:

  1. Navigate to the python/model_tests directory, copy the CopyMe directory and rename it to YourModelName. Make sure that there is a file named inside the directory.

  2. Inside the created YourModelName directory, rename the file to Open the file and replace every CopyMe with YourModelName.

In this file you can add tests to your model. You have the full capabilities of pytest available plus the utopya.testtools module (as exemplified in the CopyMe model tests.)


Remember to remove the provided example tests if you remove unneeded parts of the former CopyMe model. Otherwise, you will get error messages when running the model.

As you saw in the tutorial, it is possible to have custom model plots tailored to the data your model is producing. You can set them up in the following way:

  1. Navigate to the python/model_plots directory, copy the CopyMe directory and rename it to YourModelName. Make sure that there is a file named inside the directory.

The *_plots.yml files you copied alongside the model configuration control the behavior of the plotting framework. In the YourModelName_plots.yml file, you can specify which plots are to be performed automatically.

The script is provided to show you how a model specific plotting script could look like. In you see some examples of generic plotting functions which can be used in combination with Utopia’s data transformation and selection framework.

When starting to implement more plots, you should definitely have a look at the detailed plotting documentation!


Once you change parts of the former CopyMe model code, the plots might break and you might get errors during plot creation. To alleviate them, either adapt the plotting functions, remove them, or temporary disable them in the plot configuration (using enabled: false) until you have adapted them.

Adapting your code#

Depending on what model you want to implement, you will need to delete or adapt some provided functions. So, feel free to remove anything you do not need.

  • All variables, functions, etc. that are just there to show how you would use and implement them are denoted with the prefix some_ or _some, e.g. _ some_variable, some_function, some_interaction, … When writing your model, you should change these.

  • Remember to adapt the plotting and testing functions such that they belong to your model.

  • Have a look at the Implementing Models page for more information.


🚧 This section should be expanded.

Some Final Remarks and Advice#

Inspiration from other models#

If you want to learn more about the capabilities of Utopia and what models can look like, we strongly recommend that you have a look at the already implemented models in the src/utopia/models directory.

log->debug instead of std::cout#

If you are used to writing C++ code you probably often use std::cout to print information or to debug your code.

We advise using the functionality of the spdlog package instead when working with Utopia. To that end, the Model base class already provides the _log member. Advantages of using a logger instead of directly writing to std::cout are:

  • The output verbosity can be easily controlled via the so-called “log level”, without touching any code.

  • For a debugging session, the verbosity can be increased, making bug hunting easier.

Which log level should be chosen, though? As a rough guideline:

  • Use log->info("Some info") for information that is not repetitive, e.g. not inside a loop, and contains rather general information.

  • Use log->debug("Some more detailed info, e.g. for helping you debug") for debugging purposes.

  • Use the python-like formatting syntax: log->debug("Some parameter: {:.3f}", param) to output parameters.

More information about how to use spdlog, what functionality is provided, and formatting schemes can be found in their documentation.


Utopia models have the ability to communicate the model’s current state to the frontend, e.g. the number of cells with a certain state, or the density of agents. This is done only after a certain monitor_emit_interval, to save computing resources. As this data is communicated to the frontend via std::cout, try to keep it to the bare minimum.

For an example, check out the monitor function of the CopyMe model.


Congratulations, you have built a new model! :)

Your next guide will be the model requirements. It contains information about which requirements your code must fulfill so that it can be accepted as a model within Utopia, i.e. that it can be merged into Utopia’s master branch.

Have fun implementing your own Utopia model! :)


Once you have your own model implemented, you might want to consider to couple two or more models.